3.2: Faculty Instructional Policies

Use the following links to navigate to a specific subsection of Section 3.2.

3.2.1 Textbooks & Faculty-Authored Educational Materials 3.2.8 Faculty Availability
3.2.2 Student Behavioral Expectations & Responsibilities 3.2.9 Faculty Absences
3.2.3 Academic Advising 3.2.10 Inclement Weather & Emergency Closings
3.2.4 Advising Student Organizations 3.2.11 Veteran & Athlete Progress Reporting
3.2.5 Confidentiality of Student Records 3.2.12 Examinations
3.2.6 Grading 3.2.13 Disability Resources for Students
3.2.7 Class Attendance & Grading  


3.2.1 Textbooks and Faculty-Authored Educational Materials


The selection of textbooks is a departmental function. Faculty members submit orders for books and supplies required in their classes through the university bookstore. When requesting student acquisition of course resources (e.g. textbook, readings, online materials, etc.) faculty should take into consideration a broad range of course content accessibility issues including, but not limited to, cost, format, platform, and availability. Faculty are strongly encouraged to ensure course resources are readily available for student use in a common area, such as the University Libraries' reserve rooms or electronic reserves system, with disability-related accessibility for all users at all times, on all devices.

In accordance with the university policy on Faculty Authored Educational Materials, copyrighted materials prepared by the university faculty and staff may be required for student purchase only by the decision of a committee of the department in which it is to be used. The purchase of faculty authored educational materials must also be approved by the department chair. In the case where educational materials are authored by the department chair, the dean will be responsible for the selection process and for the final approval of the materials. In the case of a dean who authored such materials, the provost must approve use of the materials.

Each department or academic unit shall post guidelines for selecting faculty authored educational materials. The guidelines must, at a minimum, include a requirement that a comparison of the faculty authored materials to available alternative materials must be made with respect to cost, quality, and author remuneration. Specifically, the faculty authored materials should be:

  • competitively priced or cost less than other alternative materials.
  • comparable in quality or higher in quality than other alternative materials
  • comparable in the amount of remuneration the author(s) receives to other standard textbooks in the discipline.

In addition, anyone preparing materials to be copyrighted and designed only for a university audience must obtain advance approval to avoid possible financial loss in accordance with the university policy on Intellectual Property.

Faculty-authored material that students are required to purchase may not be sold directly to students by a faculty member, department, or college, but must be available for purchase at established outlets, including the university bookstore.


3.2.2 Student Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities


The Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities website, describes all policies and procedures related to behavioral expectations and responsibilities for students.


3.2.3 Academic Advising


The university is committed to quality academic advising that fosters student growth and development. Quality advising helps students understand the aims and purposes of higher education; provides information and resources concerning the university's program, opportunities, and requirements; and helps students identify their educational and career goals. Faculty advisors have the following responsibilities:

  • Maintain up-to-date files on advisees;
  • Provide accurate academic information about course offerings, departmental policies, degree requirements, study habits, grade point averages, graduate study opportunities, and career choices related to the major;
  • Prepare an accessible advising schedule which includes flexible times and modes for individual sessions; 
  • Encourage advisees to review their progress toward degree completion to assure early detection of problems;

Advising assistance is available from the academic unit advisor, degree analysis, and on the university website.


3.2.4 Advising Student Organizations


Faculty members are at times asked to serve as advisors to honorary, leadership, and recognition societies, professional organizations, social fraternities and sororities, and special interest groups (e.g., political, religious, athletic), each of which is expected to have a faculty or administrative advisor. Advisors generally work with organizations on matters such as leadership, finance, and general operations. In addition, faculty advisors are expected to maintain records and sign for the expenditures from student activity fees.


3.2.5 Confidentiality of Student Records


It is the policy of the university to comply with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (also called FERPA or the Buckley Amendment). The Buckley Amendment was designed to protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable educational records of students and former students. Each faculty member is individually responsible for complying with its provisions. The full guidelines are available of the university website.


3.2.6 Grading


Faculty members are responsible for ensuring the documentation of students' standing in classes throughout the semester. At a minimum, a duplicate grade record should be stored in an alternate location, and the department chair should be notified of that location. This will ensure that grades are protected in the event of the death or serious illness of the instructor, or a natural disaster. Faculty should keep the records on which final grades are based for at least twelve months. Term papers and examinations may be returned to students, but a record of scores used to calculate the final grade should be maintained.

Faculty should post grades as instructed on the Registrar's website. Grades are available to students within two to three days after they are reported to the Registrar's Office.

Tennessee law requires the university to withhold grade reports, transcripts, and diplomas from students who have financial obligations to the university. Faculty members should check with the Registrar's Office before furnishing anyone with a written certification of final grades.

Once grades are submitted to the Registrar's Office, they can be changed only by the faculty member except as provided for in the university’s Grade Appeals procedures.


3.2.7 Class Attendance and Grading


Students may not attend classes unless they are properly enrolled. Faculty are responsible for ensuring that the students in attendance in their course appear on the official class roster.

At their discretion, faculty may use class attendance in determining grades. If attendance is used, a complete written statement of the attendance policy that details the weight of attendance in determining the final grade must be given along with the course syllabus to students present at the first and second meetings of the class. Students may have extenuating circumstances that make it impossible for them to attend a class session(s). These absences may be an exception to the class attendance policy set by the instructor. They include military orders, court-imposed legal obligations, religious observances, extended illness, participation in university or academic unit sponsored activities, athletic activities, and obligations to represent the university. The procedures for handling extenuating circumstances are described in the university policy which is posted on the university website. Student Health Services does not document medical absences for students. If a medical excuse is required as part of a class attendance policy, students must obtain this service at another health facility.


3.2.8 Faculty Availability


Academic units or departments shall post guidelines to ensure that faculty establish, communicate, and maintain reasonable opportunities and access for student-faculty interaction outside the classroom. At a minimum, faculty members shall provide opportunities and access consistent with the mode of instruction and commensurate with the number of credit hours of the course offering. The Faculty Availability guidelines are applicable to faculty teaching during the summer session as well as the regular semesters.


3.2.9 Faculty Absences


A faculty member who must be absent from a class for any reason is responsible for seeing that there is no reduction in student learning. For an anticipated absence, the faculty member will notify the department chair of the absence in advance and provide a plan to ensure there is no reduction in student learning. The department chair may reject the plan and implement an alternative plan if he or she determines that the plan provided by the faculty member will result in a reduction in student learning. If the absence is unanticipated, the faculty member will notify the department chair as soon as possible and upon their return develop a plan to ensure that there will not be a reduction in student learning.

For a prolonged absence necessitating the employment of an alternative instructor, the department chair must get approval from the dean.


3.2.10 Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings


When inclement weather or other emergency situations make driving hazardous, university officials may curtail all operations until conditions improve. Unless and until an official closing announcement is issued by local news media, faculty members are expected to hold classes as usual.


3.2.11 Veteran and Athlete Progress Reporting


The university is required to submit to the Veterans Administration information regarding class attendance and participation of veterans and dependents receiving benefits. Faculty are asked to complete and return forms to the Office of Veterans Services for students enrolled in their classes.

The Center for Athletic Academic Services asks faculty for progress reports of athletes in their classes. The Center provides counseling, tutoring, scheduling assistance, career planning, and special services for all university athletes.


3.2.12 Examinations


The schedule of final examinations for each term is maintained on the university website. Examinations are to start promptly at the designated times and may not extend beyond the period indicated (two hours for the fall and spring semesters, ninety minutes for the summer terms). Faculty members may not give examinations at a time other than the scheduled one, except with written permission from the provost.


3.2.13 Disability Resources for Students


Disability Resources for Students (DRS) collaborates with the campus community to design an inclusive and accessible environment for students with disabilities. As such, DRS promotes inclusion through innovative programming, consultation, and accommodations and services for qualified students with disabilities. Faculty should refer any student requesting accommodations to DRS to ensure professional standards are applied to the development of accommodation plans. The faculty will then receive notification of accommodations, if applicable, for that student. Faculty may also log in to the DRS Online Faculty portal to see student accommodation plans. Because the University values diversity and has legal obligations regarding disability accommodations, faculty members should always cooperate with the accommodation plan developed by DRS. If a faculty member has any questions or reservations about a student's accommodations, the faculty member should contact DRS directly to discuss those questions or concerns and work with DRS to develop an appropriate and reasonable plan for that student. Further information about DRS for faculty, including a recommended syllabus statement, is available on the DRS university website.




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