Section 3: General Faculty Policies

University policies apply to faculty, staff, students, and visitors. The policies are intended to provide guidance in assisting with compliance of state and federal laws and regulations and provide expectations for conducting university business. All faculty appointments are subject to university policies. It is the responsibility of faculty members as university employees to acquaint themselves with existing policies and policy revisions as they may occur. Although not exhaustive, the policies presented hereafter are a select subset of university policies that impact faculty or are applicable only to faculty. The full set of policies are maintained on the university website.

When official university policies and procedures are changed by the Board of Trustees or other duly constituted authority, such changes become effective on the date designated at the time of their adoption and supersede any conflicting or inconsistent provision in the Faculty Handbook. The most recent versions of the University of Memphis Policies (hereafter “university policies”) are available on the University of Memphis website (hereafter “the university website”). Questions about a particular policy or issue should be addressed to the division administrator. In accordance with Section 1.5 of this Handbook, the responsible administrative divisions will consult the with Faculty Senate regarding proposed policy changes that may impact faculty.


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