Section 2: Faculty Rights and Responsibilities


2.3 Responsibilities

2.3.1 Duties

Faculty members are expected to demonstrate a commitment to and competence in teaching, scholarship, and service activities. In a university community, teaching, scholarship, and service are communal responsibilities. However, variation naturally occurs among departments and among faculty members within departments as to the balance among these activities.

It is important to emphasize that teaching, scholarship, and service are interrelated, and that some activities may span more than one area.


2.3.2 Professional and Ethical Conduct

Within the university, faculty members are expected to treat colleagues, staff, and students with respect and fairness. Faculty should conduct themselves professionally by listening to the views of others, working constructively as members of the diverse academic community, and safeguarding the recognition of achievements of others, including those in subordinate positions. Faculty are expected have integrity in the discharge of their duties as educators, scholars, colleagues, members of the university community and members of the greater community as described in Appendix C, the Faculty Code of Conduct.



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