Section 1: Introduction, Organization, and Principles


1.8 Academic Unit Administration



Faculty with administrative duties in academic units and/or departments/centers/institutes may only be appointed with administrative titles that are described herein.  Guidelines for salary adjustments and retreat salaries for faculty holding administrative appointments are detailed in university policy which can be found on the university website.


1.8.1 Dean

Generally, the dean has these administrative concerns:

  • the academic programs in the unit with regard to the relationships among its departments, and its relation to the larger university and the public.
  • the faculty of the unit and the leadership of the unit, their well-being, development, review, assessment, and renewal.
  • the encouragement and support of teaching, research, creative activity, and public service.
  • the support services for the conduct of unit business including staff, facilities, and equipment.
  • the strategic planning.
  • the budget preparation, review, and analysis for the unit.
  • the fund-raising and development of relationships with outside constituents.

The university administration looks to the dean for recommendations about the curriculum; staffing; faculty promotion, tenure, and review; development needs; and all financial aspects of unit operation.

These recommendations are made after consultation with appropriate faculty and/or unit or department level committees, as well as department chairs.

Deans are appointed after an internal or external search conducted according to policies which can be found on the university website. The provost selects the chair of the search committee from outside the unit and appoints members of the committee. A majority of the search committee is composed of tenured and tenure-track faculty members of the unit, chosen to represent a balance among the academic areas of the unit. The committee may include representation from non-tenure-track faculty members, departmental staff members, students, and where appropriate faculty members from outside of the unit. Membership of the search committee must be diverse, particularly in terms of gender and race.

The dean serves at the will of the provost. The provost shall conduct annual reviews of the dean, which will include surveys from tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track faculty.

An internal or external search is required in the appointment of assistant deans, associate deans, directors and/or unit coordinators who serve at the will of the dean.  The dean selects the chair of the search committee and appoints members of the committee. The search committee membership should be chosen to represent a balance among the academic areas of the unit.  The dean shall conduct annual reviews of the unit administrators, which will include input of tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track faculty.


1.8.2 Department Chair

The chair is a member of the department faculty who is assigned the duty of administering the department. Faculty holding appointments as chairs are considered academic leaders, and as such, often will be consulted by the provost and the dean regarding development and implementation of academic policy. In units not organized into departments, the dean serves as both dean and department chair. Department chairs report to the dean of the unit.  The department chair occupies one of the most complex and demanding service positions in the university, with widespread responsibilities to faculty members, students, and administrative officers. Although the department chair may delegate his/her duties to assistant/associate department chairs, coordinators, and/or department committees, the department chair is ultimately responsible for the management and administration of the department.

Chair Responsibilities 

The chair's specific responsibilities may include:


A faculty member serving as a department chair position will also hold a tenured or tenure-track appointment in one of the academic departments at the university. Tenure-track appointments are subject to the same rules and conditions applicable to all tenure-track appointments. Following the award of tenure, faculty members holding an appointment as a chair remains subject to the same rules and conditions applicable to all tenured appointments. Eligible faculty will serve as department chair for a five (5)-year term. During the fourth year of the chair’s first term, a determination needs to be made relative to the department chair transitioning back to the full-time faculty position or remaining for an additional three (3)-year term. Reappointment for a three-year term beyond the second term may occur under exceptional circumstances when it is deemed to be in the best interests of the department and the university. Faculty serving as department chairs are expected to continue to teach, maintain active research programs and provide service to the university and to the community.

Department chairs are appointed after an internal or external search is conducted according to policies which can be found on the university website. The dean selects the chair of the search committee from outside the department and appoints members of the committee. A majority of the search committee is composed of tenured and tenure-track faculty members of the department. Membership of the search committee must be diverse, particularly in terms of gender and race.

Given the unique responsibilities of the department chair, internal searches should be used in most instances in the appointment of department chairs. A new faculty member may be hired externally in accordance with university policy to serve as department chair if the dean, after consultation with the tenured and tenure track faculty of the department, determines that the department would be strengthened by doing so or when a new department is created and there are no senior faculty to assume leadership. If the position of chair becomes vacant and is to be filled using an external search, an interim chair shall be appointed for a period of less than one year by the dean in consultation with tenure track and tenured faculty of the department to provide an opportunity for a search to be completed. The interim chair can be reappointed for an additional year in the unusual case that the position cannot be filled before the term of the interim has ended.

Department chairs serve at the will of the dean. Chairs will be evaluated annually by the dean, which will include surveys of tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track faculty in the department. Chairs may resign or be removed from the appointment. If a chair resigns or is removed before completion of the term of service, an interim appointment should be made, and a new search should be initiated. The rationale for removal shall be recorded through a performance evaluation conducted by the dean. Once the dean has determined that removal is warranted, the dean shall provide a rationale for removal to the provost and to the department faculty, to the extent allowed under the law and university personnel policies. The chair shall have an opportunity to meet separately with the dean, the provost, and the department faculty to discuss the proposed removal. The tenure and tenure track faculty of the department shall have an opportunity to meet with the dean and the provost in support or dissent of the dean’s determination. The dean shall make the decision in consultation with the provost.

Assistant/Associate chairs and/or department coordinators serve at the will of the chair. An internal or external search is required in the appointment of assistant chairs and associate chairs. The department chair selects the chair of the search committee and appoints members of the committee.  The search committee membership should be chosen to represent a balance among the academic areas of the department. The chair shall conduct annual reviews of the department administrators, which will include input from tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track faculty.


1.8.3 Center/Institute Director

The university houses a wide variety of centers and institutes which participate in focused research, activities, and service. THEC has also designated centers of excellence in several areas which can be found on the university and State of Tennessee websites. Centers of Excellence receive special funding by the state in recognition of their status. The provost and the president may recommend to the Board of Trustees that a research center or institute with at least three full time tenure track or tenured faculty lines be designated as a locus for awarding tenure. Upon the approval of the Board of Trustees, tenure awarding centers and institutes are organizationally equivalent to a department in an academic unit. Although often multidisciplinary in the work being performed, all centers and institutes are organized within an academic unit and report to the dean of the unit.

A director may be appointed as the head of a center or institute and reports to the dean of the academic unit in which the center resides. Generally, the center or institute director has the same administrative concerns as a department chair. Other center or institute administrators may include assistant directors and/or coordinators and serve at the will of the director.

For tenure granting centers and institutes, an internal or external search is required in the appointment of the director. The dean selects the chair of the search committee and appoints members of the committee. The search committee membership should be chosen to represent a balance among the academic areas of the center. The dean shall conduct annual reviews of the director, which will include input of tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track faculty in the center or institute. The director shall conduct annual reviews of the center or institute administrators, which will include input of tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track faculty as well as staff.



< 1.7 University Administration 1.9 Faculty Role in Selection and Evaluation of University Administration >


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