Section 1: Introduction, Organization, and Principles


1.7 University Administration



1.7.1 Mission and Strategic Plan

The Mission, vision, strategic plan, and values of the institution can be found on the university website.


1.7.2 President

The president is the chief administrative officer of the university with broadly delegated responsibilities for all facets of campus management and operations. The president serves at the pleasure of the University of Memphis Board of Trustees and reports directly to the Board.  The president is assisted and advised by the President’s Council of key administrators, the Faculty Senate, and the Staff Senate.


1.7.3 Provost

The provost is the chief academic officer of the university. Reporting to the president, he or she has comprehensive responsibility for developing and implementing academic policies and priorities, and has responsibility for ensuring that the university’s teaching, research, and service missions are successfully implemented. He or she works closely with the deans and directors of the academic units to ensure that the university recruits and retains high quality faculty who, in turn, offer optimal student experiences. Specific information regarding the academic programs offered are contained in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs which can be found on the university website.


1.7.4 Faculty Governance

The responsibilities of the faculty in the governance of the university are generally discharged in two basic ways: (1) through the work of the Faculty Senate (regarding the general policies of the campus as a whole), and (2) through the work of faculty and faculty committees within departments, colleges, and the university. Faculty members should be active participants in deliberations and decisions on all policy and procedure committees. Faculty members have the right to contribute to campus and university discourse that is at the heart of the shared governance of the campus and the university. When contributing to campus and university discourse, at any level within the university or the community at large, faculty members have the freedom to raise and to address, without fear of institutional discipline or restraint or other adverse employment action, any issue related to professional duties; the functioning of academic units, the campus, or the university; and department, college, campus, or university actions, positions, or policies.




< 1.6 Board of Trustees 1.8 Academic Unit Administration >


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