Section 1: Introduction, Organization, and Principles


1.1 Introduction


This handbook contains material that applies to all faculty members employed by the University of Memphis (hereafter “the university”, “the institution”). The faculty members are represented by one faculty senate (hereafter “the Faculty Senate”). The faculty members at the University of Memphis report, administratively, to the president (hereafter “president”). The Faculty Handbook is intended to be a general summary of university policies, guidelines, services, and resources. When official university policies and procedures are changed by the Board of Trustees or other duly constituted authority, such changes become effective on the date designated at the time of their adoption and supersede any conflicting or inconsistent provision in the Faculty Handbook. The most recent versions of the University of Memphis Policies (hereafter “university policies”) are available on the University of Memphis website (hereafter “the university website”). Questions about a particular policy or issue should be addressed to the division administrator. This revision of the Faculty Handbook was done in accordance with Section 6 of the Faculty Handbook (“Revision of the Faculty Handbook”).



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