Appendix F: Faculty Appeals Committee

The function of the Faculty Appeals Committee is to gather evidence and make recommendations for the disposition of cases within its jurisdiction. The Faculty Appeals Committee does not replace the role of other faculty and administrators in making employment-related decisions. Instead, it is guided by the aim of maximizing the protection of the principles of academic freedom, due process, and fairness. All matters before the Faculty Appeals Committee are kept in strict confidence and subject to state open records laws and other legal requirements. The appeals procedures through the Faculty Appeals Committee are formal but not judicial processes.



Use the following links to navigate to the specific subsections of Appendix F

F.1: Composition >

F.2: Procedures for General Appeals Hearings >

F.3: Procedures for Tenure and Promotions Appeals Hearings >

F.4: Procedures for Hearings on Termination or Suspension without Pay for Adequate Cause for Unsatisfactory Performance >



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