Appendix E.5 |  Timeline for Conducting Post-Tenure Review

All post-tenure deadlines are counted in calendar days rather than business days, except when the last day of the time period falls during a holiday or administrative closure lasting five business days or longer (such as the administrative closure between fall and spring semesters or an extended weather-related closure).

On a case-by-case basis, the provost may approve a written request from the peer review committee for an extension of time to complete the initial review. Only one extension may be granted to the peer review committee during a single Post-tenure Review period, and the provost will determine the length of the extension.

Concurrent Appeals – While a general appeal of an annual performance review or other procedure may overlap in time with the five (5) year review period, Post-tenure Review is purposefully different from the annual performance review process. To the extent provided under this handbook, the faculty member may choose to initiate or maintain an appeal of the most recent annual performance review while Post-tenure Review is underway. Any appeal or other process must be conducted without interference or influence from the Post-tenure Review, and vice versa. Faculty leaders should take care to ensure the integrity of all procedures by confirming that no person serves in multiple proceedings related to the same faculty member. Except as may be required by law any such appeal or other university process must proceed simultaneously with the Post-tenure Review and must have no impact on the timing or procedures described in this policy.




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