Appendix C: Faculty Code of Conduct

Use the following links to navigate to a specific section of Appendix C.

C.1: Policy Statement, Purpose and Applicability

C.2: Commitment to the Principles of Academic Freedom

C.3: Definitions

C.4: Ethical Principles and Unacceptable Behavior

C.1 Policy Statement, Purpose and Applicability


The purpose of the Faculty Code of Conduct (“code”) is to protect academic freedom, to help preserve the highest standards of teaching and scholarship, and to advance the mission of the university as an institution of higher learning.  The principles and types of unacceptable behavior delineated herein are intended to govern conduct by faculty and any corresponding corrective action, with the understanding corrective action should be reserved for misconduct that is either serious or is made serious through its repetition or its consequences. In the event of any conflict between this code or university policy or applicable law, university policy or the applicable law shall govern.

This code applies to all faculty as defined herein.


C.2 Commitment to the Principles of Academic Freedom


This code is based on the premise that both administrators and faculty share responsibility to create a climate suitable for scholarship, research, effective teaching and learning, and service.  Academic freedom, the freedom to discuss in the classroom matters deemed relevant to the business of a given class, is essential to fulfill the ultimate objectives of the university.  Intellectual inquiry, which sometimes results in disagreements or controversy, is essential both to the pursuit of knowledge, and to production of valuable work. Additionally, faculty members are entitled to their political rights, and to all the prerogatives of United States citizens. This Code is not intended to interfere with any of the principles included in the university’s Academic Freedom policy, which is available on the university website, and described in Section 2.2.1.


C.3 Definitions


  1. The term “faculty member” or “faculty” means all university administrators with faculty appointments; all persons with a tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenured faculty appointment; unclassified academic staff; and any person hired by the university to conduct classroom activities.

  2. The term “student” includes all persons taking courses at the institution, both full-time and part-time, pursuing undergraduate, graduate or extension studies.

  3. The term “teacher” refers to anyone who holds a faculty position described in the Faculty Handbook and who teaches students or supervises trainees.

  4. The term “trainee” refers to students engaged in graduate or post-doctoral activities supervised by faculty members. 

  5. The term “unit” means a faculty member’s assigned department, school or college. 

  6. The term "university" refers to those responsible for its control and operation of the institution.

All other terms have their conventional meaning unless the text dictates otherwise. Determination of a person's status as a "faculty member" or a "student" in a particular situation shall be determined by the surrounding facts.


C.4 Ethical Principles and Unacceptable Behavior


This code elaborates standards of professional conduct, derived from general professional consensus about the existence of certain precepts as basic to acceptable faculty behavior. Conduct which departs from these precepts is viewed by faculty as unacceptable because it is inconsistent with the mission of the university. The articulation of types of unacceptable faculty conduct is appropriate both to verify that a consensus about minimally acceptable standards in fact does exist and to give fair notice to all those departures from these minimal standards may give rise to disciplinary proceedings.

The following subsections detail the responsibilities and expectations for faculty as it relates to their roles as educators, scholars, colleagues, members of the university and overall community and is followed by a non-exhaustive listing and illustrative examples of unacceptable behavior.



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