Appendix A: University Standing Committees with Faculty Senate Appointed Representatives

Use the following links to navigate to a specific section of Appendix A.

A.1 Faculty Senate Appointed Representatives, Terms, and Term Limits

A.2 Standing Committee: University Council for Graduate Studies (UCGS)

A.1 Faculty Senate Appointed Representatives, Terms, and Term Limits


Shared governance at the university level is also accomplished through the work of faculty on the University Standing Committees. Membership of all university standing committees should reflect the diversity of the University community. The Faculty Senate retains the responsibility for appointing faculty members to the University Standing Committees listed in the Table below:



Standing Committees Representatives Terms (years) Term Limit
Institutional Effectiveness Council 1 1 -
Honorary Degree Committee 1 1 -
Policy Review Board 1 1 -
Faculty Athletics Committee 2 2 3



Standing Committees Representatives Terms (years) Term Limit
Faculty Safety & Securities Committee 1 1 -
Undergraduate Grade Appeals Committee 2 2 -
Graduate Grade Appeals Committee 2 2 -
University Council for Graduate Studies 1 2 -
University Undergraduate Council 1 2 -
Space Policy Council 1 1 -



Standing Committees Representatives Terms (years) Term Limit
Facilities & Service Committee 2 2 -
Fee Refund & Appeals Committee 3 2 -
Public Records & Forms Committee 1 2 -
Traffic & Parking Committee 2 2 -



Standing Committees Representatives Terms (years) Term Limit
Compliance Council 2 2 -



Standing Committees Representatives Terms (years) Term Limit
IT Policy & Planning Council 1 2 -
Technology Access Fee Committee 1 2 -
Enterprise Systems Advisory Committee 1 2 -
Information Security Advisory Committee 1 2 -
Teaching & Learning Advisory Committee 1 2 -



Standing Committees Representatives Terms (years) Term Limit
Research Council 5 1 -



Standing Committees Representatives Terms (years) Term Limit
Faculty Appeals Committee 8 3 -
Faculty Appeals Advocates 3 3 -


A.2 Standing Committee: University Council for Graduate Studies (UCGS)


The University Council for Graduate Studies shall be composed of two (2) ex officio members and twenty-one (21) voting members.

The ex officio members shall be:

  • Vice Provost for Graduate Studies
  • Coordinator of Graduate Systems

Voting members shall be: 

  • Directors of Graduate Studies (one from each of the graduate colleges and schools)
    • College of Arts and Sciences
    • Fogelman College of Business and Economics
    • College of Communication and Fine Arts
    • College of Education
    • Health and Human Sciences
    • Herff College of Engineering
    • School of Communication Sciences and Disorders [AUSP]
    • Loewenberg School of Nursing
    • School of Public Health
    • University College

  • The president of the Graduate Student Association (GSA),

  • Eleven (11) Graduate Faculty representing the various graduate colleges

  • One (1) representative 

In recognition of the various college and school discipline areas and the population of graduate faculty, the following formula allotment has been determined:

  • Arts & Sciences = 3
  • Business & Economics = 2
  • Communication & Fine Arts = 2
  • Education = 2
  • Engineering = 2

The duties and responsibilities of the university council are to consider proposals to change graduate admissions; graduate curriculum, including courses, majors, minors, degrees, and programs; graduate policies and procedures; and research policies and procedures. Proposals approved by the university council and the assistant vice provost for graduate studies are forwarded, when necessary, to the provost for appropriate University and State review. The university council hears and acts upon appeals from students denied admission to a graduate program and on other academic appeals from graduate students (except grade appeals), which have not been resolved at a lower level. The university council also establishes criteria for membership on the graduate faculty.



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