Senior Projects Information


Herff College is revamping Senior Capstone Classes for all majors, including Engineering Technology. Details are still being worked out but expect significant changes to TECH 4943/4945 and requirements for senior projects starting in Spring 2024.

The Department will update this page when more details become available.

The information below were the requirements prior to the Spring 2024 semester......

TECH 4943 - Senior Project Planning Seminar

See Instructor for Info on this class (Significant changes in progress)

TECH 4945 Senior Project

Engineering Notebook

You are expected to keep a Engineering Notebook for the duration of the project. Your notebook will be checked periodically. See Engineer's Notebook - A Design assessment Tool  for more information (including expected content).

Change Request Form

In industry, if any party (customer or contractor) wishes to change a project in a significant way, the other party must agree to that change. This is usually handled via a Change Request Form. If you project is going to deviate from the project proposal submitted in TECH4943, you must submit a change request memo to you advisor, instructor, and FOS lead for approval of the change. If you are in doubt whether a change is significant enough to require this, consult the course instructor. 

Field of Study Tests

You will be tested over coursework in each of your fields of study. This test is mandatory; failure to take the tests or failure to pass the tests will  will result in automatic failure of the course. You will be permitted to retest if necessary.

Poster Presentation

You will produce a project poster (Template) and participate in a poster presentation for your fellow students and faculty. Be prepared to discuss your project and answer questions during the session.

Project Presentation

This will be a FORMAL presentation to your classmates, student body and faculty and should be a brief and concise outline of the project implementation and lessons learned during its execution.

Project Report

Your project will be documented in a formal technical report. See the Report Guide and Report Template for more information. For Operation Strategy & Lean Principles projects see the Supplemental Project and Report Guidelines documentation for further instructions.

Zip File or USB Thumbdrive

Should contain ALL relevant documents generated for TECH 4943 and TECH 4945 in an organized and easy to understand directory structure. See THIS DOCUMENT for further instructions.

Project Demo

You will demonstrate your project to the instructor of record and your project advisor. Your grade will be based on:

  • Project Success
  • Level of Difficulty
  • Level of Integration


Below are samples of grading rubrics used to evaluate TECH 4943 and TECH 4945 assignments. These are ONLY SAMPLES:


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