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Engineering Technology By the Numbers

  • 240 undergrads are currently enrolled in our engineering technology program
  • 8 fields of study: Automation & Control Systems, Mechanical Systems Design, Microprocessor Systems, Operations Strategy & Lean Principles, Product Realization, Software Design, System/Network Administration and Mechatronics
  • 3 Broad Sectors served by ET: Manufacturing (including distribution and logistics), Electronics and Automated Control Systems and Computer Systems
  • Affiliated with 2 state-of-the-art research labs: the Automatic Identification Lab (AutoID), positioned to promote the usage of all AutoID technologies: bar coding, radio frequency identification (RFID), biometrics magnetic stripe and smart cards, and the Metrology Lab, promoting precision measurement opportunities to support various industries including manufacturing.

Undergraduate Program

The Department of Engineering Technology offers a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology. This degree program is comprised of a comprehensive core and various fields of study from which the student may select in order to best fulfill their needs and interests.

To accommodate students who work during the day, the department as a complete night rotation of courses making it possible to earn a degree in the evenings.

For students who choose to gain valuable work experience while completing their degree requirements, the Department of Engineering Technology has a cooperative education (co-op) program. The co-op program adds relevance to education and introduces the student to the work environment and career possibilities in their field of study.

For more information on the cooperative education program in the Herff College of Engineering, contact Ms. Shelia Moses, Academic Services Coordinator, at srmoses@memphis.edu or 901.678.4933.

Students transferring into the department with an Associate of Science degree in an Engineering Technology discipline from an accredited institution may only need to complete an additional 60 semesters hours (2 years) of study to earn the B S in Engineering Technology.

Preparation to earn a BS in Engineering Technology should begin in high school by completing algebra, trigonometry, geometry, physics and chemistry. Study should be concentrated on these courses as well as those that develop oral and written communications skills.

Apply Now for Undergraduate Admission!! 

Graduate Program

The Department of Engineering Technology also offers a graduate program leading to the Master of Science degree in Engineering Technology. Students may select coursework in Computers and/or Electronics and/or Manufacturing. Students may elect to design their own course of study taken from the courses offered in these areas.

Apply Now for Graduate Admission!!

Laboratory Facilities

Laboratory facilities are available for a variety of instructional activities. Facilities include the microprocessor / microcomputer laboratory, two electronics laboratories, the digital circuits laboratory, the robotics laboratory, the machinery laboratory, and two general purpose computer applications laboratories with Windows and Unix systems. A continual process of laboratory improvement maintains the quality of the laboratory experiences. The equipment used in laboratories is the same as that used in industry. The computational environment is state-of-the-art and contains both wired and wireless access to a campus-wide network, including Internet II. Extensive packages of both general-purpose and discipline-specific software and hardware are available to support your engineering studies.

Academic Resources

Semester Calendars
Catalog: Graduate
Catalog: Graduate
Class Listings
ET Course Rotation Schedule
ET Procedure for Registering for Classes

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