Engaged Scholarship Online Modules

Engaged Scholarship

While primarily developed for students, this website contains modules for those interested in learning more about how to work collaboratively in community engagement and engaged scholarship. Watch the video below from University of Memphis President, Dr. M. David Rudd, to learn more about what it means to be an engaged scholar. Then use the button below to get started.

Getting Started

Students: This series of five modules may be assigned by your professor to be completed in its entirety, or each module may be assigned independently. To get the most out of these modules, we encourage you to critically reflect on the content and try to apply it to your personal experience. Although we provide you with concrete examples that illustrate complex concepts, your learning will be greatly enhanced if you apply the concepts to your own experience.

Use the items in the left navigation to learn more about the modules and the START button below to access the modules.

Start Button

Portions of the content for these modules have been provided by Michigan State University through their Tools of Engagement, Collaborating with Community Partners program.
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