Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring

This service is FREE to all current students at the University of Memphis and allows you to work in real-time with a tutor or submit a question online 24 / 7 (subject to tutor availability). 


  • Some courses availability may vary, email esp@memphis.edu for most up to date information.  
  • For all online writing tutoring including format, grammar, and style: click “Meet with a Tutor” and type “CWC” in the search bar to schedule an appointment with Center for Writing and Communication writing consultants. 
  • There is a 3 hour a week session limit when working with Upswing coaches, but there is no weekly hour limit when working with UofM tutors. The limit resets weekly.

UofM Virtual Learning Center powered by Upswing

  • Login to the Online Tutoring Portal to access the UofM Virtual Learning Center.
  • Please view this playlist of Student Tutorial Videos to familiarize yourself with Upswing.  
  • Two ways to work with a tutor: Meet with a Tutor (Synchronous) or Upload an Assignment for Review (Asynchronous).
  • If you have any questions about online tutoring or need technical assistance contact Jamion McNeil or call 901.678.2704.

Essential Tools for a Productive Online Tutoring Session

  • Computer
  • Reliable internet access (high speed recommended) 
  • Headset or microphone and speakers
  • Webcam (recommended)

Expectations of the Students

  • Be on time or notify the tutor if you are going to be late/unable to attend the session.
  • Come to the session prepared with all relevant course materials (textbook, notes, assignments, etc).
  • Remove all distractions and devices and give the tutor your undivided  attention. 
  • Be an active participant during the tutoring session; the tutors will not do your homework for you.
  • When scheduling a session or uploading an assignment be mindful of time frames:
    • When selecting “Meet with a tutor,” schedule appointment at least 48 hours in advance.
    • When selecting “Upload an assignment for review,” allow up to 48 hours for a response.
  • Check your emails and respond to messages sent from the tutoring office.

Usage Policy

Access to the Virtual Learning Center may be temporarily frozen if:

  • You have 3 or more no shows, abandoned sessions, and/or late cancellations.
  • You are scheduling appointments for classes you are not enrolled.
  • There are suspicions of academic misconduct.

You will need to contact jgmcneil@memphis.edu for a meeting to unfreeze account. These policies are in place to ensure that students are using campus resources appropriately and to make appointments available to other students. Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration and students will not be penalized due to internal errors.

Tips for a Successful Online Tutoring Session from Upswing

  • Turn on your mic and camera for a more personal experience. 
  • Use a browser like Google Chrome or Safari.
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection—plug in your Ethernet cable if your Wi-Fi is spotty.
  • Be patient—this is software is as new to a majority of the tutors as it is to you.
  • If there are major tech issues message jgmcneil@memphis.edu and speak@upswing.io.

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