ESP Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can use Educational Support Program services?
    Any University of Memphis student, undergraduate or graduate level, currently enrolled and taking courses at the UofM for which help is requested.
    Any UofM student who wants to be better in a particular class for which they are enrolled.
    Any UofM student who wants help to improve their study skills.
    Any UofM student who needs help with standardized test preparation.
    UofM students can use any ESP Learning Center on main campus, in the residence halls, and at the satellite locations.

  • How do I find out the locations and hours of the Learning Centers?
    Visit the Learning Centers page for a posting of hours.
    Call the ESP office at 901.678.2704.
    Call the telephone number listed for each ESP Learning Center.

  • Is there a fee for tutoring?
    Tutoring is FREE to UofM students! There are no tutoring fees for UofM students at our Learning Centers or through our online service.

  • Do I have to make an appointment?
    You do not have to make an appointment to visit a learning center; drop-ins always welcome.

  • Can I become a tutor?
    Yes! Call 901.678.2704 or come to Mitchell Hall 217 for information on the tutor training program to become an ESP-certified tutor or send an email to get on the mailing list for the next tutor training class.

  • Can I use my scholarship hours as an ESP tutor?
    Yes, many scholarship students choose to do their service hours as tutors to satisfy the requirements of their particular scholarship. For more information contact the ESP office.

  • What if I'm taking a UofM online course?
    Your academic status matters, and we can help! Call 901.678.2704, come to Mitchell 217, or visit our Virtual Learning Center for more details.