Sergi Consul-Pacareu

My name is Sergi Consul Pacareu, I'm 26 years old and I'm from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

I received my B.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering Majoring in Electronics from La Salle – Ramon Llull University(Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain), where I also worked as a Undergraduate Research Assistant at LIFAELS. Then, I got my M.Sc. In Electrical Engineering in the same University, while being a Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant at LIFAELS and researching on power and area efficient implementations of Discrete Time Non-Linear Neural Networks for image processing.

Currently, I'm a PhD Candidate in Computer Engineering in the Herff College of Engineering, The University of Memphis. I'm a Graduate Research Assistant at ESARP, previously also at ARSIL, CLION.

Work Experience:

Graduate Research Assistant developing Biomedical Embedded Systems, Radar related projects and construction of an anechoic chamber. Fall 2011 – Present.
Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Memphis, for the subject of Introduction to Microcontrollers (EECE 3270). Fall 2012.
Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Electronics and Communications Department, La Salle – Ramon Llull University, for the subjects of Digital Electronics (CMOS logic and physical CMOS implementations), Analog Electronics (Operational amplifiers, power electronics and ADC/DAC) and Integrated Electronics (FPGA implementation, VHDL). From 2008 – 2011.
Working as an Electronic Design Engineer for the Electronics and Communications Department, La Salle, developing PCBs for various projects. From 2008 – 2011.
Project Manager for the FIRST LEGO League Barcelona. Management and organization of the FIRST LEGO League in Barcelona. From September 2009 to March 2010.

Peer-reviewed Publications:

Sergi Consul-Pacareu and Bashir I. Morshed, Power Optimization of NeuroMonitor EEG Device: Hardware/Software Co-Designed Interrupt Driven Clocking Approach, IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 2013.
MD Nazmus Sahadat, Sergi Consul-Pacareu and Bashir I. Morshed, Wireless Ambulatory ECG Signal Capture for HRV and Cognitive Load Study Using the NeuroMonitor Platform, IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 2013. CHANGE THIS
Tina M. costa, Bashir I. Morshed, Sergi Consul-Pacareu, John T. Ramshur, Cheng-Xiang Li, Amy L. de Jongh Curry and Robert T. Waters, Telemetry Controlled Simultaneous Microstimulation and Recording Device for Studying Cortical Plasticity, IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 2013.
R. Mahajan, S. Consul-Pacareu, B. I. Morshed, Ambulatory EEG Neuromonitor Platform for Engagement Studies of Children with Development Delays, SPIE Defense, Security & Sensing, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, May 2013.
S. Consul-Pacareu, B. I. Morshed, Robert Kozma, Hardware efficient seizure prediction algorithm, SPIE Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors and Systems, San diego, CA, USA, Mar. 2013.
Robert Kozma, Timothy Tanigawa, Orges Furxhi, Sergi Consul, Automatic decision support in heterogeneous sensor networks. Proc. SPIE 8408, Cyber Sensing 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Mar. 2012.
S. Consul-Pacareu; B. I. Morshed, Neuronal Recorder Implementation With Envelope Detector for Fidelity and Linearity. IEEE Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Mar. 2012.
B. I. Morshed, S. Consul-Pacareu, Low-Power Fuzzy Logic VLSI Implementation with Asynchronous Topology for Neuronal Sensors, Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Mar. 2012..
S. Consul-Pacareu; J.Alb-Canals; X. Vilass-Cardona; J. Riera-Baburs. High Performance DT-CNN Camera De- vice Design over ACTEL IGLOO Low Power FPGA. IEEE European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Linkping, Sweden, Aug. 2011.
J. Alb-Canals; J. A. Villasante-Bembibre; S. Consul-Pacareu; J. Riera-Baburs; X. Vilass-Cardona. Robot Guiding with Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Uncertain Environments based on DTCNN, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. Barcelona, Spain, July. 2010.
J. Alb-Canals; S. Consul-Pacareu; J. Riera-Baburs; X. Vilass-Cardona. DTCNN Implementation in a LEGO Mind- storm NXT for Infrared and Ultrasonic Sensor Data Processing, IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications. Berkeley, California, USA, Feb. 2010.

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