Saleha Khatun


Enrolled in PhD program at Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, 38152 2.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Professional Experience:

Worked as a Senior System Engineer in GrameenPhone, the leading telecom company in Bangladesh. Experiences in configuration jobs in Transmission and Radio field of telecommunication network for 2 years 11 months and 6 days.

Research Interest:

1. Biomedical Signal Processing
2. Time Series Data Analysis
3. Embedded Software
4. Artifact Removal

Research/Work Experience:

  • Working as a graduate research assistant in the ESARP lab of the University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA since Spring 2014.
  • Worked as a Senior System Engineer in GrameenPhone, the leading telecom company in Bangladesh. I had experiences in configuration jobs in Transmission and Radio field of telecommunication network from February, 2011 to January, 2014
  • UG Thesis: Analysis of Bending Loss characteristics of Single Mode Optical Fiber by using the Finite Element Method.



1. S. Khatun, R. Mahajan, and B. I. Morshed, "Comparative Study of Wavelet Based Unsupervised Ocular Artifact Removal Techniques for Single Channel EEG data", submitted at Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine.


1. S. Khatun, , and B. I. Morshed, "An Efficient Classification of Four Cognitive Tasks using Single Channel EEG Data from Neuromonitor device", accepted in IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2015.
2. S. Khatun, R. Mahajan, and B. I. Morshed, "Comparative Analysis of Wavelet Based Approaches for Reliable Removal of Ocular Artifacts from Single Channel EEG," In IEEE Region 4 Electro-Information Technology Conference, 2015, DeKalb, IL, USA.
3. R. Mahajan, C. A. Majmudar, S. Khatun, B. I. Morshed and G. M. Bidelman., "NeuroMonitor Ambulatory EEG Device: Comparative Analysis and Its Application for Cognitive Load Assessment", In IEEE EMBS Healthcare Innovation & Point-of-Care Technologies Conference, 2014, Seattle, WA, USA.
4. "An efficient approach to power coefficient and tip speed ratio relationship modeling in maximum power point tracking of wind power generation", 5th International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE), Hong Kong. October 26-27, 2012.

Computer Skills:

Proficient in C, Python, HTML. Have medium idea about JAVA, PHP, Verilog, and Assembly. Have good knowledge in MATLAB, PSpice, Circuit Maker, COMSOL, Emulator and Quartus.

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