Ruhi Mahajan


Bachelor in Technology in Instrumentation & Control from Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, India in 2006.

Master in Technology in Instrumentation & Control from Dr. B.R.Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India in 2009.

Currently enrolled in the Doctorate program in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Memphis, USA since Fall 2012.

Areas of Research Interests:

• Biomedical Instrumentation

• Signal Processing

• Embedded system applications

Work Experience:

• Graduate Research Assistant in the ESARP Lab at University of Memphis, USA.Presently working on the project related to EEG signal analysis for engagement monitoring in children with development delays. Fall 2012 onwards.

• Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication at CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India. Courses taught to undergraduate students- Electronics and Instrumentation, Introduction to Microcontrollers. March-Dec 2011.

• Assistant Professor in the Department of Control and Instrumentation at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar NIT, Jalandhar, India. Taught Undergraduate and Post graduate courses of engineering in the field of Virtual Instrumentation, Linear Control System, Industrial Instrumentation, Electronics Measurement and Measuring Instruments. July 2009-Dec 2010.

• Lecturer in the Department of Electronics and Communication at College of Engineering and Management, Kapurthala, India. Courses taught to undergraduate students – Network Analysis and Signals & Systems. Aug 2006-July 2007.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:

  1. Ruhi Mahajan and Bashir I. Morshed, "Unsupervised Eye Blink Artifact Denoising in EEG data with Modified Multiscale Sample Entropy, Kurtosis and Wavelet-ICA," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2014 (in press).

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings:

  1. R. Mahajan, C. A. Majmudar, S. Khatun, B. I. Morshed, and G. M. Bidelman, "NeuroMonitor Ambulatory EEG Device: Comparative Analysis and Its Application for Cognitive Load Assessment", IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies Conf., (accepted), 2014.
  2. S. Consul-Pacareu, R. Mahajan, M. N. Sahadat, B. I. Morshed, "Wearable Ambulatory 2-Channel EEG NeuroMonitor Platform for Real-life Engagement Monitoring Based on Brain Activities at the Prefrontal Cortex," 4th IAJC/ISAM Joint Intl. Conf. (accepted), Sept. 25-27, FL, 2014.
  3. Ruhi Mahajan, and Bashir I. Morshed. " Sample Entropy enhanced wavelet-ICA denoising technique for eye blink artifact removal from scalp EEG dataset," 6th IEEE/EMBS Conf. on Neural Engineering, San Diego, California, pp. 1394-1397, 2013.
  4. Ruhi Mahajan, S. Consul-Pacareu, B. I. Morshed, "Ambulatory EEG Neuromonitor Platform for Engagement Studies of Children with Development Delays", SPIE Defense, Security & Sensing, May 2013.
  5. Sneh Anand, Amit Sengupta, Ruhi Mahajan, S.K.Pahuja, "Fabrication of Microcontroller Based Multipurpose Measuring system with Inbuilt Data Acquisition" , 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology (IEEE -ICBBT 2010) ,April 16-18, 2010, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, pp 10-13.
  6. Ruhi Mahajan, S.K.Pahuja ,Ravi Mahajan, "LabVIEW based Photoplethysmograph", International conference on Convergence of Science and Engineering in Education and Research – A Global Perspective in the new Millennium (IEEE-ICSE 2010), April 21-23, 2010, Bangalore, India pp 246.
  7. Ruhi Mahajan, S.K.Pahuja, Ravi Mahajan, "Selection Criteria, Security Issues and Implementation of SCADA in Process Control" National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Dec 23-23, 2009, NIT Hamirpur,India pp 313-316.


  1. Awarded Gold Medal for Academic excellence in Master of Technology degree (Control and Instrumentation Eng.) in 2009 by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
  2. Awarded Gold Medal for Academic excellence in Bachelor of Technology degree (Instrumentation and Control Eng.) in 2006 by Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.

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