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Title: EAGER: Events-of-interest Capture Using Novel Body-worn Fully-passive Wireless sensors for S&CC

Funding Source: NSF CISE CNS  NSF logo

Project Duration: 2016 - 2018

Project Synopsis: 

Patients with chronic illness require frequent and avoidable hospital visits. This project aims to develop a new class of battery-less, low-cost, disposable, wireless electronic patch sensors to monitor a variety of physiological signals and a custom smartphone app to monitor their health status and to elect to share their anonymized events-of-interest with their community towards a smart and connected community (S&CC). This will empower users, permit the community stakeholders to assess population health status, reduce the need for frequent hospital visits, and help identify potential individual and community actions to achieve improvement in health status. The project also involves the training of undergraduate and graduate students in interdisciplinary research activities on emerging technologies, and is expected to impact public and private sector efforts to improve healthcare.

Project Personnel:

PI: Dr. Bashir Morshed, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Memphis

Co-PI: Dr. Brook Harmon, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, The University of Memphis

Consultant: Dr. M. Rahman,  Baptist Minor Medical Center, Memphis, TN

Project-related Publications:

  1. B. Morshed, B. Harmon, and M. Rahman, "EAGER: Events of Interest (EoI) Capture Using Novel Body-worn Fully-passive Wireless Sensors for S&CC", 7th Annual Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Meeting, Arlington, VA, Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2016. (pdf)
  2. B. I. Morshed, "Impedance Phlebography Based Pulse Sensing Using Inductively-Coupled Inkjet-Printed WRAP Sensor", Invited Paper, Commission B (Special session: Wearable Antennas and Electronics), National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 4-6, 2017.
  3. B. Noorozi and B. I. Morshed, "PSC Optimization of 13.56-MHz Resistive Wireless Analog Passive Sensors", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, (in press), Feb. 2017.


NSF: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1637250

CPS-VO: http://cps-vo.org/node/29309

Youtube: Youtube channel of this NSF SCC project

Project Updates:

  • Mar. 2017: Coil design optimization algorithm finalized and published [3]. Temperature and heart-rate [2] WRAP sensors on paper prototyped and being evaluated. First prototype of scanner hardware completed, revision is ongoing. SCC Android app and SCC web-server framework ongoing. Temperature EoI finalized. IRB draft prepared.
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