Why are we replacing our financial and human resource systems?

Replacing our financial and human resource  systems is a milestone in the UofM's administrative capability that aligns with the Ascend Strategic Plan. This will modernize our systems and processes and lays the foundation for dramatically improving access to data. A modern administrative system will deliver functionality that is currently distributed across several systems, meaning campus will have one reliable, accessible source of truth for business process execution and reporting. This will reduce the administrative burden associated with conducting basic business processes. Finally, we will have the ability to transform how work is done in the future by converting manual processes to automated procedures that save time, increase accuracy and enhance our reporting ability.

I heard that the project already started, is that true?

In December 2023, a small group of UofM staff with specialized knowledge began preparation for the Oracle Cloud Transformation by discussing Chart of Accounts (COA) requirements, gathering input from key stakeholders, assessing the current state and conducting workshops to design the future state segments.

In early March 2024, leadership finalized the selection of the full project team and onboarded team members who are tasked with designing the financial and human resources system, business processes and reports.

What is the project status?

In mid-March, the project team attended its first detailed design process workshops. Our phased approach heavily depends on the project team and its deep understanding of the UofM's unique campus considerations.

I wasn't asked to be on the project team. How can I be involved?

As the project progresses, there will be future opportunities to connect with the project team and hear updates on the progress and future state design.

What is the timeline?

During the discovery phase for this project, a small group of experts from the UofM crafted a high-level timeline, which has served as a blueprint for early milestones. We are now in the process of refining our timeline to create a detailed and realistic schedule. We will continue to share dates as they are confirmed.