News & Events

"Community Health, Environmental Justice and Clean Energy"

Thank you to the organizers and participants in this year's event.

The event was sponsored by the Environmental Studies Program and the Memphis Chapter of the Sierra Club on November 1, 2014. The conference was made possible through a grant from the University Green fee. Dr. Robert Bullard, Dean of the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University served as keynote. We are pleased to provide these links to the information Dr. Bullard shared in his remarks.

Information on health disparities and maps:


Princeton Review lists University of Memphis Among Top "Green" Colleges

The Princeton Review has named the University of Memphis as one of the most environmentally responsible colleges in the United States and Canada. The education services company known for its test prep programs and college rankings, ratings and guidebooks profiles the UofM in the fifth annual edition of its free downloadable book, The Princeton Review's Guide to 332 Green Colleges.

The Princeton Review chose the schools for this guide based on a survey it conducted in 2013 of administrators at hundreds of four-year colleges to measure the schools' commitment to the environment and sustainability. The institutional survey included questions about course offerings, campus infrastructure, activities and career preparation.

The UofM's green initiatives include the Tiger Bike Share Program, with a fleet of 55 bicycles for rent and more than 85 members. Recycling on campus has taking new strides by going single stream. The University's recycling program started in 2009 with a total of 150,000 pounds for the entire year. So far in 2014, that number is just 250,000 pounds shy of reaching a 1 million pound goal by June 30. The annual Tiger Blue Goes Green Day spotlights the many eco-friendly initiatives developed by the University and the surrounding community.

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