
Literature Banner

The undergraduate Literature program is designed to familiarize students with many areas of English, American, and European literature. The Literature curriculum offers a full range of approaches, from the study of historical periods and genres to the most recent developments in literary criticism and theory.

In addition to the English Major requirements and electives, Literature majors must choose 12 hours of Literature courses. A full list of courses can be found here, and the two-year course rotation for literature courses can be found here. Please note that no more than 3 hours of African American Literature courses (ENGL 3325, 3326, 4372, 4373, 4374) may be applied to the Literature concentration. 


Recent Course Offerings

ENGL 3404
ENGL 3403
ENGL 3210

Program Notes:
  • See the Undergraduate Catalog - English (B.A.) for more information about the Literature degree program.
  • Typically students take 6 hours of 3000-level Literature and 6 hours of 4000-level Literature.
  • ENGL 4900, 4995, 4996 do not count towards the Literature concentration.

Literature Coordinator:
Dr. Darryl Domingo


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