Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

TESOL Banner

The Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) concentration allows students to focus beyond their core English literature, language, and writing courses. Specialized study in TESOL methods and in language assessment provides students with the basic skills needed to teach ESL in the US and abroad. Students enrolled in the TESOL concentration can choose between two tracks: a general TESOL track and a track leading to PreK-12 licensure as an ESL teacher. Click the links below for more information on each:

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages General Track
English as a Second Language PreK-12 Licensure Track

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages General Track

In addition to the English Major requirements and electives, TESOL students must choose 12 hours from the following list following the Program Notes as outlined below and in the Undergraduate Catalog - English (B.A.)

  • ENGL 4101-4109 Special Topics in English (only if topic is ESL)
  • ENGL 4530 Practicum in ESL
  • ENGL 4531 Methods and Techniques in ESL
  • ENGL 4532 Skills, Approaches, and Assessment for ESL
  • ENGL 4533 ESL/EFL in Multicultural Settings 
Program Notes:
  • Students are encouraged to take 4531 and/or 4532 as part of their concentration.
  • Students may apply up to 6 hours of courses chosen from Applied Linguistics toward the TESOL concentration with the approval of the English Undergraduate Advisor.
  • Students may apply up to 6 hours of English 4530 (Practicum) toward their concentration.
  • Students who wish to satisfy the requirements for both the English major and the endorsement to teach English in high school should consult the College of Education for licensure requirements.

TESOL Licensure Banner

English as a Second Language PreK-12 Licensure Track

This program prepares students for PreK-12 licensure as ESL teachers in the state of Tennessee. This track allows students to combine the critical thinking, reading, and writing skills developed as an English major with an in-depth understanding of ESL methods for language teaching, learning, and assessment. Students on the ESL Licensure Track should consult with the undergraduate advisor to plan the sequence of courses (including recommended General Education courses), admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), residency, and other licensure requirements. 

In addition to the English Major requirements, PreK-12 licensure students must complete the English and Teacher Preparation courses listed below:

  • ENGL 3501 Modern English Grammar
  • ENGL 3511 Intro to Linguistics or 3521 The American Language
  • ENGL 4530 Practicum in ESL
  • ENGL 4531 Methods and Techniques ESL
  • ENGL 4532 Skills/App/Assess ESL
  • ENGL 4533 ESL/EFL in Multicultural Settings
  • ENGL 4514/ICL 4914 Residency I Practicum

Students also need to pass relevant Praxis exams and other state requirements for teacher licensure:

  • SPED 2000 Foundation Exceptional Learners
  • IDT 3600 Technology in Education
  • EDPR 2111 Development Across Lifespan
  • SPED 3800 Methods I: Instruction in Literacy
  • LITL 4240 Literacy in Grades K-4
  • LITL 4241 Literacy in Grades 5-8
  • ICL 3333 Student Assess/Inst Dec Mkng
  • ICL 4021 Professional/Ethical Practices
  • ICL 4904 Residency II Clinical
  • ICL 4800 Professional Seminar
Program Notes:
  • Teacher Education Program–Students must apply for provisional admission to TEP before the end of Sophomore year and fulfill all TEP requirements no later than Fall of the Junior year (fifth semester of enrollment). A 2.75 GPA is required for provisional admission to TEP. Full Admission to TEP occurs the semester before residency year and requires a 3.00 GPA and a passing score on CORE. More information on admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) is found on their website at https://www.memphis.edu/tep/
  • Licensure Exams–Students must take the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) tests and a Praxis II Content Knowledge Exam to be fully licensed. Check https://www.ets.org/, click on Praxis and use pulldown menu to find TN required tests. Details about the "English to Speakers of Other Languages" test is here: https://www.ets.org/praxis/prepare/materials/5362.
  • Capstone Degree and Licensure Requirement–All teacher candidates must complete ICL 4800 (Professional Seminar) to be recommended for licensure and to be awarded the BA degree. During ICL 4800 each candidate will complete a nationally scored teacher performance assessment called edTPA. Candidates must meet the minimum established score on the edTPA. Failure to do so will result in a delay in licensure recommendation. If unsuccessful, the candidate is responsible for resubmitting his/her edTPA, including the cost.
The Ensuring Success for English Learners project is currently accepting applications from:
  • bilingual school staff who are looking to complete their BA in TESOL with licensure while continuing to work in their schools. We anticipate cohorts of bilingual mentors enrolled in the BA TESOL with licensure program will begin the program in Spring 2025 and Fall 2026 and complete this program part-time. Courses for this program are offered online or in the evenings to allow school employees to participate.
  • high school seniors who have earned/applied for the TN Seal of Biliteracy. Acceptance into this program includes a 4-year, full tuition scholarship for the BA in TESOL with licensure program. Students applying to this program need to enroll as full time students in Fall 2025. 
  • current students in the BA TESOL with licensure program and current UofM students planning to declare this major. We anticipate multiple BA cohorts beginning the program each semester from Spring 2025 with the final cohort beginning the program in Fall 2027.
  • Note: funds each for each year of this program are subject to congressional approval.

Recent Course Offerings

ENGL 4533
ENGL 4532
ENGL 3501

If you're interested in learning English as a second language, click here for ESL class resources. 

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Coordinator:
Dr. Rebecca Adams


Apply Now >

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