Rhonda R. Powers

Associate Professor of Teaching

Patterson 418
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Rhonda R. Powers


B.A., 1998, Missouri State University
M.A., 2000, Missouri State University

Academic Summary

Rhonda Powers researches in Early Modern English literature, feminist theory, and modern drama, seemingly dissimilar areas, which are closely related by a preoccupation with, and anxiety over, representation(s). In studying the techniques authors use to represent their authority and deploy their texts, Powers argues that much of the anxiety of representation(s) in early literature and in our current concerns about diversity is based on issues of gender politics and national identity.

Select Publications

  • "Ophelia and Margaret Cavendish: Female Role-playing and Self-fashioned Identity" In-Between 9.1-2 (Spring 2000): 107-15. Print.
  • "'I know now how history is made': Wole Soyinka and the Drama of Existence," Substance, Judgment and Evaluation: Seeking the Worth of a Liberal Arts, Core Text Education. Ed. Patrick T Flynn, et.al. Lanham: University Press of America, 2010. 145-152. Print.

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