Scott Sundvall

Associate Professor

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Patterson 415
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B.A. University of Minnesota (2009)
M.A. Bowling Green State University (2011)
PhD. University of Florida (2016)

Academic Summary

Dr. Sundvall is an Associate Professor in the Department of English. He teaches courses in rhetoric, writing, and new media. His research interests include electracy, rhetorical and critical theory, surveillance studies, activist rhetoric, and critical pedagogy. 


Rhetorical Speculations: Emerging Technologies and the Future and Potential of Rhetoric and Writing Studies (editor). Utah State University Press.


  • Sundvall, Scott and Markelj, J., Eds. Special issue on "Digital pedagogies Post-COVID-19: The future of teaching with/in new technologies." Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 29.1 (February 2023). 
  • “Jim Morrison.” Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, no. 23, 2021. doi:10.20415/hyp/023.r15 
  • "Everything is (not so) Terrible! Heuristic Glitchicism as a Method for Electrate (Re)composing." Computers and Composition 56 (2020). 
  • "Without a World: The Rhetorical Potential and 'Dark Politics' of Object-Oriented Thought." Philosophy and Rhetoric 51.3 (2018)
  • "Digital Technologies, Bodies, and Embodiment" (co-edited with Phil Bratta). Special issue of Computers and Composition (2019).
  • "The Writing on the Wall: Activist Rhetoric, Public Writing, and Responsible Pedagogy" (co-authored with Katherine Fredlund). Composition Forum 36 (2017).
  • "The First 100 Days of an Electrate President: Post-Truth, Alternative Facts, and Fake News in the Third Sophistic." Textshop Experiments 3 (2017).
  • "The Rhetoric of Desiring-Surveillance: Diego Velasquez's Las Meninas, Subjectivity, and the Media(ted) Vision in the Age of Electracy." Media Fields 11 (2016).
  • "Clonetrolling the Future: Body, Space, and Ontology in Duncan Jones' Moon and Mark Romanek's Never Let Me Go." Politics of Place 2 (2015).

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