UMEGO Banner

UofM English Graduate Organization

UMEGO supports the advancement of the academic and professional goals of its members and provides opportunities for networking with other graduate students and faculty in the Department of English. UMEGO proudly provides quality services to the English major graduate students. What differentiates UMEGO from other organizations is the ability to truly connect with our graduate students, faculty, and the University of Memphis. Any person taking a graduate course in the English department is eligible and encouraged to be a member of UMEGO. UMEGO does not require any dues at this time. Please reach out to any of the UMEGO officers if you are interested in joining! 

2024-25 Officers and Contact Information

President: Korbyn Peebles | email kpeebles@memphis.edu 
Vice President: Obri Richardson | email rchrds28@memphis.edu 
Treasurer: Ifeoluwa Awopetu | emailpawopetu@memphis.edu 
Secretary: Ashton Alexander | email aashton@memphis.edu 
Graduate Student Ambassador: TBD | email 

Resources for Graduate Students

Campus & Community Resources houses various resources across campus, from academic calendars to mental health resources to educational support and more! 

Academic Conferences 101 provides English Department faculty and graduate student-curated tips and tricks on finding a conference, writing a proposal, attending a conference, and presenting at a conference.

Graduate Courses: Every semester, about a month before registration, this page is updated to provide information on upcoming graduate courses, including detailed course descriptions provided by the professor. You can also click on the "two-year course rotation template" to see what's coming up for the next two years.

What other resources would you like to see? Email your suggestions to the English Department Marketing Coordinator, Emily Gillo (epsmith2@memphis.edu).

English Department Graduate Student Conference

This year’s conference theme is Learning from Fear. We are particularly interested in papers, presentations, and interactive exhibits that engage with the varied approaches to fear, horror, pop media, and pedagogy. Click here for more information.

Dates: April 25-26, 2025
Registration: Registration will be available beginning March 7th
Call for Papers: Due February 21st, click here to submit a proposal/paper