Online Programs

English Online Degree Programs

Students can take many graduate English courses online. We also offer three graduate programs fully online:

TESOL MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 

MA in Tech Comm MA in Technical Communication 

TESOL Certificate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 

There are many advantages to studying online at the Department of English, including working with excellent instructors; studying at a more flexible pace than is possible in on-the-ground classes; working on the course at times of day convenient to your work and family schedules; and taking the course in the comfort of your home, at a coffee house, or anywhere with Internet access.

Before You Take English Courses Online

If you decide to take our online courses, it is a good idea to first talk to our Department's graduate academic advisor, Ms. Sarah Ellis. Also, visit UofM Global's website to find out the basic technical requirements necessary for taking online courses and to find other sources of help for online courses.
TN eCampus (formerly RODP) classes (.R01, .R50, .R25, etc.) classes are not administered by the Department of English. Speak with your advisor before signing up for these classes to make sure they fit into your degree program.


English Courses Online

Students can satisfy core and elective requirements by taking online courses. Check our Two-Year Course Rotation Template for all upper-division undergraduate and graduate online courses in English. See if there are any that work for you and talk to your advisor to enroll.

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