Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Students in the TESOL concentration follow an integrated program of study that helps them develop expertise in areas such as second language acquisition, cross-cultural communication, language structure, and instructional methodology. Besides developing skills in analyzing language, assessing language ability, and planning language instruction, students apply their knowledge through practical experiences in the U.S. and abroad.

MA TESOL Courses Include:
  • ENGL 7530: Practicum in ESL
  • ENGL 7531: Theory and History of ESL
  • ENGL 7532: Theory of Skills Assessment in ESL
  • ENGL 7533: Methods and Techniques of ESL in K-12
  • ENGL 7534: Second Language Acquisition
  • ENGL 7535: ESL Grammar
  • ENGL 7536: Second Language Reading
  • ENGL 7537: Second Language Writing
  • ENGL 7538: Cultural Issues in ESL

Recent Course Offerings

ENGL 7614
ENGL 7535
ENGL 7501

Students may also choose to complete a portion of this certificate abroad as part of our program in the Czech Republic. You can find find more information about the Pilsen, Czech Republic Study Abroad on the program webpage. MA TESOL students also take courses in Applied Linguistics and may choose to take courses in other English concentrations and from the College of Education. They can also choose to complete an MA research-based thesis (equivalent to one 3-credit course). In the final semester of the MA TESOL program, students complete a written comprehensive exam. You can find the study guide for this exam in the links below. 

While pursuing their degrees, graduate students have taught English abroad in the Czech Republic, China, Korea, Thailand, and in Japan. Students have also presented papers at professional conferences such as The Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Tennessee TESOL, Southeast TESOL, and International TESOL. TESOL students also are active in the Greater Memphis community, tutoring and teaching individuals and small groups. After graduation, employment opportunities include teaching in the U.S. and abroad in various programs in ESL and Linguistics.

Current students in the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) ESL program and current applicants for this program can apply for funding from the grant funded project, Ensuring Success for English Learners. We anticipate multiple MAT cohorts beginning the program each semester from Spring 2025 with the final cohort beginning the program in Fall 2027. Courses for this program are offered online or in the evenings to allow school employees to participate. Selected courses are available in summer sessions. Note: funds each for each year of this program are subject to congressional approval.

The University of Memphis offers an MA with a concentration in TESOL or a graduate certificate program in TESOL. These degrees require courses in Linguistics as well as in TESOL. It is also possible to earn an MA in TESOL completely online. If you're interested in learning English as a second language, click here for ESL class resources. 

Learn More:
Online M.A. in TESOL
M.A. in Applied Linguistics
Graduate Certificate in TESOL
Graduate Catalog- English (MA)
MA TESOL Comps Study Guide

TESOL Coordinator:
Dr. Rebecca Adams

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