
Training is an essential element in maintaining a safe and healthful workplace, protecting the environment, and meeting legal requirements imposed by federal and state laws/regulations. All UofM employees, from student workers to executives, are legally required to complete certain types of safety-related training, and supervisors are obligated to ensure that their personnel complete the training.

To assist you with meeting training and compliance obligations, Environmental Health and Safety provides education and training options that cover a wide range of topics for employees at all levels. To learn what training is required for your job description, consult with your supervisor and/or Environmental Health and Safety staff.

Full List of Training Offered

EH&S Training Calendar

Our training courses are available to the entire campus community, and we welcome each individual to peruse our calendar. If there is a specific training that you are interested in and would like more information about, please contact our offices at ehs@memphis.edu.

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