Education & Outreach

The Public Information and Education (PIE) Plan describes the education and outreach activities that University of Memphis has planned to educate their public (staff, faculty, and students) about stormwater quality. The PIE is a requirement of the State of Tennessee's Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit. This PIE plan outlines the education and outreach activities to be performed by UofM for the remainder of the MS4 permit period.

The UofM has identified stormwater pollutant hot spot activities on campus and has targeted the PIE Plan activities to focus on those hot spots. Hot spots are:

  • Food waste disposal
  • Custodial waste disposal
  • Landscape services
  • Art Building (washing brushes near storm drain loading dock area)

In addition to the hot spot focus activities, the UofM is also focusing on general stormwater quality awareness and personal pollution prevention.

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