Electrical Safety

Electrical safety is an area of safety that affects everyone on campus. Irresponsible use of electricity can lead to burns, shocks, explosions and even death. The purpose of the electrical safety program is to help people identify electrical hazards and avoid them. Basic principlies of electrical safety include:

  • Extension cords should only be used for temporarily. They are not to be used in lieu of hard-wiring.
  • Power strips must be plugged directly into a building outlet. Avoid daisy-chaining powerstrips (plugging one power strip into another power strip).
  • Inspect all electrical cords on equipment before use for fraying. Frayed extension cords and equipment with frayed cords shall be removed from service.
  • Remove all metal jewelry, rings, and watches before working on electrical equipment.
  • Avoid the use of electricity in wet environments.
  • Use Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI’s) when working outside, near wet areas or when using extension cords.
  • Work on electrical equipment should be done by qualified professionals only and in accordance with the university's hazardous energy control program (lockout/tagout).

If maintenance is performed on electrical equipment, the procedures outlined in the university Control of Hazardous Energy Program must be followed. For more information, the program can be found here: Control of Hazardous Energy Program.

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