Institutional Biosafety Committee

Per the National Institutes of Health (NIH), every institution that receives NIH funding and performs research with recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules, pathogens, potential infectious agents, biological toxins as well as human gene transfer is required to have an Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). The IBC reviews registrations for experiments involving any of the the above. The full IBC meets quarterly for discussion and voting while some on the committee review protocols more often for administrative purposes. The IBC is composed of researchers, staff members and community members so every protocol is reviewed by the peers of those submitting the protocols.

Currently, the University of Memphis has two forms for IBC registrations. Part A is required to be completed for every covered experiment. Part B is only required when pathogens or any other agents that requires BSL-2 containment are in use. Links to these forms can be found below. The forms should be downloaded, completed and then emailed to Bobby Clark (rclark12@memphis.edu).

Everyone that conducts research that is in the purview of the IBC must also complete the appropriate CITI modules. A link to the training can also be found below.

IBC form Part A
IBC form Part B
CITI Training Login

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