Studying Ancient Egypt at Memphis


One of the most important functions of the Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology, (hereafter IEAA), is teaching. The faculty of the IEAA teach undergraduate, graduate, and Continuing Education classes in Egyptian art, archaeology, history, religion, and language.

The University of Memphis has two separate departments that offer degrees with a concentration in Ancient Egypt: the master and bachelor of arts programs in Art History in the Department of Art in the College of Communication and Fine Arts and the master of arts and doctoral programs in the Department of History in the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Art History and History programs require SEPARATE APPLICATIONS.


"So you want to become an Egyptologist?"

Click here to view the text of a standard letter which answers questions commonly asked by those still in junior high / middle school or high school who are thinking about Egyptology as a career.

Click here to view the text of a standard letter which answers questions commonly asked by undergraduate students who are thinking about applying to graduate school in Egyptology.

The Egyptology Resources web site by Dr. Nigel Strudwick also has a helpful FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for individuals interested in careers in Egyptology.


What can the M.A. program in art history do for you?

The Master's degree program in Art History with a concentration in Egyptian Art and Archaeology is designed to prepare the student either to continue on to a higher degree or to enter an alternate career path. Whichever the student's choice, the program will assist the student in developing strong skills in analytical thinking, research and writing.

Egyptology students with the M.A. degree in Art History from the University of Memphis have continued on to Ph.D. programs in ancient Egyptian art, history, archaeology, and language at such distinguished institutions as New York University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chicago, The Johns Hopkins University, Emory University, and University College, London.

Other of our students have enrolled in programs in related fields such as religious studies, ancient history and museum studies. Graduates have also found internships or employment in secondary education, field archaeology, and museums.


What can the B.A. program in art history do for you?

The Bachelor's degree program in Art History with a concentration in Egyptian Art and Archaeology is designed to provide the student with a strong liberal arts background which will provide them with a firm intellectual and experiential foundation for future endeavors, including continuing on to a higher degree. Specific instruction in the art, language and history of ancient Egypt will challenge the student to perform to their highest potential. The program will assist the student in developing strong skills in analytical thinking, research and writing.


Egyptology or Degree-Related Classes Offered at The University of Memphis

Primarily in the programs in Art History and History, the University of Memphis offers over two dozen courses related to Egyptology. Some of these courses may be taken by advanced undergraduate students while others are reserved for graduate study. These listings are from the on-line undergraduate and graduate bulletins.

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