Nigel C. Strudwick, Ph.D.


Visiting Associate Professor of Art History 2014-15

Ph.D., Liverpool University
Archaeology, 1983

Department of Art
University of Memphis
200 Art & Communication Bldg.
Memphis, TN 38152-3140



Dr. Strudwick is Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History in the Department of Art at the University of Memphis. He teaches Middle and Late Egyptian language and offers courses on ancient Egyptian literature, history and archaeology.

He first came to Memphis, Tennessee in 2006-07 to take up the Hohenberg Chair of Excellence in Art History and has been a visiting assistant professor since Fall 2011. Previously, he held the position as Assistant Keeper in the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum in London. At the British Museum he is concerned with the sculpture collection, traveling exhibitions, and technological issues.


The archaeology and history of Thebes, in particular the study of the private tombs ('Tombs of the Nobles'); interdisciplinary archaeological and epigraphic fieldwork in the private tombs; Old Kingdom administration and documentary texts; the uses of information technology in Egyptology



  • Temples and Tombs: Treasures of Egyptian Art from The British Museum. Catalogue of a Traveling Exhibition 2006-08 (New York and Seattle). With E.R. Russmann and T.G.H. James. London, British Museum Press, 2006.
  • Texts of the Pyramid Age. Writings of the Ancient World. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature, 2005.
  • Pocket Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Mummies. London, British Museum Press, 2004.
  • The Tomb of Amenemopet Called Tjanefer. ADAIK 19, Cairo, German Archaeological Institute, 2003.
  • The Legacy of Lord Carnarvon: Miniatures from Ancient Egypt and the Valley of the Kings. Catalogue of an Exhibition April–September 2001 at the University of Wyoming Art Museum. Laramie, Wyoming,University of Wyoming Press, 2001.
  • Thebes in Egypt. With H.M. Strudwick. London, British Museum Press, 1999.
  • The Tombs of Amenhotep, Khnummose, and Amenmose (TT294, 253, and 254). Oxford, Griffith Institute, 1996.
  • The Administration of Egypt in the Old Kingdom. London, KPI, 1985.

Select Articles:

  • "Nina M. Davies—a biographical sketch." In Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 91 (2005), 193–210.
  • "Electronic publishing: the example of BMSAES." In Proceedings of the 2002 Informatique et Egyptologie Meeting. CD ROM, Pisa 2003.
  • "An overview of Thebes in the Graeco-Roman Period." In Strudwick and Taylor (eds), The Theban Necropolis. Past, Present and Future (London 2003), 167–88.
  • "A fragment of a scene of foreigners from the Theban necropolis." In Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 38 (2001), 133–40.
  • "Theban Tomb 99—an overview of work undertaken from 1992 to 1999." In Memnonia 11 (2000), 241–66.
  • "Problems of recording and publication of paintings in the Private Tombs of Thebes." In W.V. Davies (ed), Colour and Painting in Ancient Egypt (London 2001), 126–40.
  • "The house of Amenmose in Theban Tomb 254", with H.M. Strudwick. In R. Tefnin (ed), La Peinture Egyptienne Ancienne. Un Monde de Signes à Préserver. Monumenta Aegyptiaca 7. (1997), 37–47.
  • "The fourth priest of Amun Wedjahor." In Göttinger Miszellen 148 (1995), 91–4.
  • "The population of Thebes in the New Kingdom: Some preliminary thoughts." In J. Assmann, E. Dziobek, H. Guksch, F. Kampp (eds), Thebanische Beamtennekropolen. Neue Perspectiven archäologischer Forschung (SAGA 12, Heidelberg 1995), 97–105.
  • "Change and continuity at Thebes. The private tomb after Akhenaten." In C. Eyre, A. Leahy, L.M. Leahy (eds), The Unbroken Reed. Studies in the culture and heritage of Ancient Egypt in honour of A.F. Shore (London 1994), 321–36.
  • "An objective colour-measuring system for the recording of Egyptian tomb paintings." In Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 77 (1991), 43–56.
  • "Some remarks on the Disposition of Texts in Old Kingdom Tombs with particular reference to the False Door." In Göttinger Miszellen 77 (1984), 35–4.

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