Highlighting Students - 2024

Clinical Psychology

Jacob TempchinJacob Tempchin, a doctoral student in clinical psychology, has been awarded an NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The title of his grant is Reaching Non-Four-Year College Emerging Adults with Brief Alcohol Interventions: An Investigation of Service User Preferences and Implementation Determinants. This grant will provide Jake with $155,922 over three years to support the project and his advanced training in addiction research. Dr. James Murphy is his sponsor for this project, and Dr. Latrice Pichon from the School of Public Health is a co-sponsor. His mentoring team also includes professors from Florida State University (Dr. Laura Reid Marks), Northwestern University (Dr. Sara Becker), Brown University (Dr. Molly Magill), and Syracuse University (Dr. Jacob Scharer).  



Biological Sciences

Samantha DrewryBiological Sciences Graduate Student Samantha Drewry led a Herbarium workshop this summer at the University of Memphis Mandel Lab. Students learned to preserve and mount specimens, produce labels, and enter specimens into the Herbarium consortium data portal. They created specimens for the federally endangered whorled sunflower to be deposited in the University of Memphis herbarium, increasing resources for this rare species for future research and scientific use. Herbaria are indispensable resources in agriculture, conservation, and ecology. Their importance extends well beyond archival purposes, profoundly impacting research and conservation efforts both now and in the future.



Doctoral Students at conference with postersBiological Sciences doctoral students Mazen Instabouli and Maziar Ganji recently attended the 201st Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS) Conference with Professor Bernie Daigle, Jr. While at the conference the students presented posters of their work. Picture (left to right) Mazen Instabouli, Bernie Daigle, Jr., Maziar Ganji, Seyede Samaneh Mostafi

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