BETTY SHADISH (BS, Psychology)

Betty ShadishThe College has received a rare PhD level fellowship/scholarship thanks to alumna BETTY SHADISH (BS, Psychology).  The EDITH and WILLIAM CECIL DUKE FELLOWSHIP (named in memory of her parents), will benefit students who are PhD candidates in clinical psychology and plan to work with veterans or families of veterans. Betty is retired from the Veteran’s Administration (VA). During her time at the VA, she supervised students in their internship and worked with the Department of Psychology faculty to sponsor 5 workshops over the years.

She continues to work part-time in her private clinical practice. Betty also created another scholarship (undergraduate, university-wide), in memory of her brother, Cecil, for students with disabilities. Cecil lost his mobility due to an accident, but he had a great outlook on life.  With the help of Betty and his parents, he was able to not only get his undergraduate degree at the UofM, but finished law school and practiced in Memphis.

Thank you, Betty, for your support and participation with the UofM!

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