COE Student Ambassadors

The COE Student Ambassador Program is a leadership opportunity for students who are dedicated to serving and representing the University of Memphis College of Education.

Student Ambassadors provide campus tours and serve as Official UofM College of Education representatives at various campus, college and community events. COE Student Ambassadors also serve within the COE Recruitment and Retention Office (including the front desk) where they act as a first point of contact to visitors, both by phone and in person. 

Apply to be a COE Student Ambassador >


Join the COE Student Ambassadors

  • Represent the College of Education during university events and through social media
  • Welcome guests, prospective students and their families to the College of Education
  • Learn and share information about the UofM and the College of Education
  • Lead group or individual campus tours for prospective students and guests
  • Work with diverse populations and provide tips on being a successful student
  • Demonstrate the COE's values and mission as you represent the College
  • Assist the COE Office of Recruitment and Retention in daily operations and serve in other duties as assigned
  • Attend required trainings
  • Complete a minimum of 12 hours of service per semester 

As a COE Student Ambassador, you will develop a wide range of leadership and communication skills that will benefit you while you are a UofM student and after graduation. You will gain deeper knowledge about the College of Education and UofM while networking with other students, COE faculty and staff, and our partners. School districts, educational non-profits and graduate degree programs are looking for more than just academic success; they want community involvement and service. Serving as a COE Student Ambassador will help you stand out from the crowd.


COE Student Ambassadors are required to:

  • Be currently enrolled in the College of Education at the University of Memphis as an undergraduate student
  • Be currently enrolled in at least 12 credit hours
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75
  • Commit to serving for one academic year commitment. (Fall-Spring)
  • Demonstrate strong communication (written and verbal) and interpersonal skills
  • Exhibit leadership, initiative, dependability and enthusiasm
  • Commit to the COE's Core Values
    • Diversity, Inclusion, Respect, Innovation and Service

COE Student Ambassadors. . .

  • Are driven by diversity and inclusion
  • Are committed to excellence
  • Are positive
  • Excel at communicating with others
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Are open to learning new things and sharing their knowledge with others
  • Have Tiger Spirit . . . Go Tigers Go!!

COE faculty and staff are invited to nominate COE undergraduate students for the ambassador program by filling out this form>.

For questions or more information, contact, Keith Hembree, Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, at khembree@memphis.edu

Meet our Current Student Ambassadors

Gracyn Boyd

Madison CookMajor: Teaching All Learners
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2026
Hometown: Bolivar, TN

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM? My favorite part of being in the College of Education at UofM is the ability to grow my education in a friendly and interactive environment. Being able to express creativity throughout my education and with the support of academic advisors/professors is so important to me. I can do this through the COE at UofM!
What are your career goals after education? After completing my education, I would like to join a school with similar goals for students and teachers that I have. Being able to have a school where I can align my teaching style and long-term goals with will allow me to be fulfilled in my teaching career in the long run.
What are you involved in on campus? On campus I will be involved in being a W.O.W and frosh fusion leader for the Lambuth Campus. I will be able to use my strengths of leadership and enthusiasm while also becoming a COE Ambassador this year!
What advice would you give to someone just starting in the COE? If you are starting in the COE I would definitely say do not hold back on your creativity. Let yourself to express it through all of your projects and lesson plans that you will create. Explore how specifically you want to hold yourself as a future teacher for yourself and students!

Madison Cook

Madison CookMajor: Teaching All Learners
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2025
Hometown: Olive Branch, MS

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM? My favorite part of being in the college of education would be the family aspect of the college. We have a lot of support and guidance, which makes me know that I am not alone!
What are your career goals after education? I am aspiring to become an elementary school teacher and opening my own daycare.
What are you involved in on campus? Peer Power, Weeks of Welcome


Mary Hannah Craddock
Mary Hannah Kathryn Craddock

Major: Human Development and Learning
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2025
Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM? My favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM is my peers and the administration. I have met some wonderful people along this journey that I could not imagine my life without. Everyone is so welcoming and accepting at the College of Education. I feel at home when I am at school and in the College of Education.
What are your career goals after education? I want to be a second-grade teacher when I graduate from The University of Memphis. I hope I will get a job somewhere along the coast by the beach and that I am the best teacher I can be for my students!
What are you involved in on campus? I am involved in the ambassador program on campus!
What advice would you give to someone just starting in the COE? I would tell someone just starting in the College of Education is to meet people in your cohort and get to know your peers. Meeting people and not feeling alone is the best thing you can do. It is nice to have people who support you and understand what you are going through in school. Having a team behind you will be everything you need and more.
What is a fun fact about you? A fun fact about me is I love anything outdoors. I love fishing, kayaking, going to the beach, etc.

Jabria McCraney

Madison CookMajor: Teaching All Learners
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2026
Hometown: Olive Branch, MS

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM? My absolute favorite part about being in the College of Education is the community. In COE, there is such a wholesome family-oriented feel that I cherish with me throughout my experience.
What are your career goals after education? After education, I want to pursue my master's degree in education, while pursuing my dream as an elementary school teacher.
What are you involved in on campus? I am involved in the Black Scholars Unlimited program, as well as the River City Partnership Program.
What advice would you give to someone just starting in the COE? To someone who’s just starting in COE, I would tell them to make connections and bonds with their peers! Those bonds will get you through the semesters, DO NOT be afraid to reach out when you feel you need it. Having support from people who understand what your feeling, is like no other.
What is a fun fact about you? I have such a deep love for all things MUSIC!

Chasity Partee

Chasity ParteeMajor:  Teaching All Learners- Special Education Interventionist
Anticipated Graduation Date:  May 2025
Hometown: Memphis,TN

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM?  My favorite part about being in COE is meeting new people and being able to share my experience. I have been with the same group of people for about 3 years and this has been amazing to my academic and personal growth.
What are your career goals after education? I plan to continue my education at The University of Memphis and get my Masters & Doctorial in Special Education.
What are you involved in on campus? I am currently in the River City Partnership and I am the Event Coordinator in UMSCLATWhat advice would you give to someone just starting in the COE? Do NOT be afraid to make friends!! You will be with those people until you graduate, everything is always better with buddies. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, the people in COE are amazing and will do everything in their power to help and accommodate you so that you are successful.
What is a fun fact about you? I have been a street racer for 2 years now! It is my guilty obsession. I have never lost a race!

Megan Smith

Megan Smith

Major: Teaching All Learners
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2025
Hometown: Arlington, TN

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at UofM? My favorite part of being in the College of Education is the feeling of having a community. The teaching community here is like a family.
What are your career goals after education? My career goals after education include getting my master's in Speech Language Pathology to work in a school as an SLP.
What are you involved in on campus? I am the Director of Philanthropy for my sorority Alpha Delta Pi, the Vice President of STEA, Treasurer of Order of Omega, and involved with Best Buddies.
What advice would you give to someone just starting in the COE? I would tell someone just starting in the COE to make friends and don't procrastinate. Making friends can be so beneficial; you will take classes with these people until you graduate. Don't procrastinate with your work; it will catch up with you.
What is a fun fact about you? My Hogwarts House in Slytherin.

Moriah (Mo) Szurpicki

Moriah (Mo) Szurpicki

Major: Teaching All Learners: Special Education
Minor: Applied Behavior Analysis
Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2026
Hometown: Memphis, TN

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM? Learning more and more about my major and minor, while also finding and making new connections.
What are your career goals after education? To hopefully get assigned to either an elementary or middle school and to help students with disabilities.
What are you involved in on campus? Weeks of Welcome
What advice would you give to someone just starting in the COE? My advice would be, to not give up! The path isn’t meant to be easy, but it is up to us to make it better. Be yourself, make connections, and most of all be involved. Find internships within the degree you are seeking. The sky is the limit!
What is a fun fact about you? I love to listen to music, play video games and spend time with family and friends.

Auburn Ward

Auburn Ward

Major:  Teaching All Learners
Anticipated Graduation Date:  May 2026
Hometown: Henderson, TN

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM? My favorite thing about being in the College of Education at the UofM is how dedicated the professors are to ensuring you get the best education possible. They want you to feel extremely prepared to start your first teaching job and the truly do everything they can to ensure that. Especially for the Lambuth campus, all the students in each of the cohorts get super close and can create bonds that will be so helpful throughout our futures in our career.
What are your career goals after education? After education, I want to be a second-grade teacher. Second grade has always been my favorite group of kids and I had the opportunity during my senior year to observe a second-grade class all year and it was the highlight of my senior year. I later want to get my master’s degree, but I have yet to decide what I want to receive my master’s in.
What are you involved in on campus? I attend the Lambuth campus so there is not a whole lot to really get involved in, however, I am a Recruitment Ambassador for the Lambuth campus as well as for the College of Education starting next semester. I have an on-campus job where I work for Residents Life and work in the Carney-Johnston Hall Dorms. I attend many of the events we have on campus and try to be as involved as possible.
What advice would you give to someone just starting in the COE? For someone who is starting the College of Education, I would tell them to not stress. There are so many requirements to get your license and become a teacher and when all that get thrown at you, it seems like a lot, and it is. However, the professors in the education department at the UofM are some of the best and they do literally whatever it takes for you to succeed no matter what. You must be the reason you fail because they will not do anything to purposefully fail you and make you struggle because they truly care about your success.
What is a fun fact about you? A fun fact about me is that I was named after the Auburn Tigers football team at Auburn University. My dad is a big Auburn fan and when I was born, my parents wanted me to have a unique name and so they agreed on Auburn.

Jadyn White

Jadyn White

Major: Teaching All Learners
Anticipated Graduation Date:
May 2025
Chattanooga, TN

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM? I would have to say the classes! It gives you the ability to meet new people and connect with others on classwork or projects! I enjoy coming to class and seeing familiar faces.
What are your career goals after education? Hopefully I can go all the way and get my master's in elementary education and maybe even my doctorate.
What are you involved in on campus? I served as a Frosh Camp counselor in 2023 and 2024. I am a part of the Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., STS Elite PIM, Weeks of Welcome Leaders 2023 and 2024, Black Scholars Unlimited member.
What advice would you give to someone just starting in the COE? You're meant to be here! I started off as a biology major and didn't like it. Then I changed to a TALN major and loved it. Don't doubt yourself or change majors because your parents want you to be a certain something. In the end, you're getting the degree, not them.
What is a fun fact about you? A fun fact about me is I really enjoy playing Roblox with my friends. It makes me happy, so if you need a new hobby or a new friend on Roblox, lmk so we can play.

Janaya Williams

Janaya WilliamsMajor: 
Teaching All Learners (TALN)
Anticipated Graduation Date:  May 2026
Hometown: Memphis, TN

What is your favorite part of being in the College of Education at the UofM? How I can contact my teachers at any time (by phone or email), and they are quick to respond. You can tell that the College of Education staff really cares and are willing to put in extra work to make sure that all students succeed! I also enjoy how classes are divided into groups, and I have the same people in my classes every day. This makes it possible to learn about people in my major and have a close connection with them!
What are your career goals after education? I plan to stay in Memphis to work as a 5th grade math teacher. I also plan on going back to school and getting my masters in higher education and sports management to later become an athletic academic advisor!
What are you involved in on campus? Students Advocating Stronger Sisterhood (S.A.S.S), Professional, Assertive, United Sisters of Excellence (P.A.U.S.E), Student Activities Council (Game Day Operations Committee), Black Scholars Unlimited, Interning in the Athletic Office (Marketing and Business Administration) 
What advice would you give to someone just starting in the COE? As you start your journey in the College of Education, remember to stay passionate about teaching and learning, build strong relationships with peers and mentors, and get involved in extracurricular activities. Stay organized and always find an opportunity to learn or make yourself better. Prioritize self-care and make sure to have fun in all you do! Be flexible and adaptable to the challenges that may arise, knowing that each obstacle is an opportunity for growth. Enjoy becoming an educator and never lose sight of the impact you can have on others' lives! You will have so much fun being in the COE!
What is a fun fact about you? I have an identical Twin!