COE Receives Near-Perfect Passer Rating in latest edTPA Submission

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – For another year, the College of Education (COE) at the University of Memphis received high marks from the Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA), the traditional way for a teacher candidate to receive their license. 97% of COE’s teacher preparation students who submitted their portfolio passed the assessment.

edTPA submission party

“We are filled with an overwhelming sense of pride,” said Logan Caldwell, EdD, COE Clinical Instructor and edTPA Coordinator.

A total of 70 of the 72 students who submitted their portfolios in early April passed on their first submission. These submissions comprised of 67 undergraduates in Teaching All Learners (TALN), Early Childhood, English as a Second Language (ESL), Art, Music and PE and five master’s-level students in Elementary Education, SPED, Secondary History, ESL and Art. The two who did not pass will have future opportunities to submit another portfolio. There are still 19 students awaiting their scores, making the total number of submissions 91, but for now Caldwell and the students are relishing in the success.

edTPA submission party

Caldwell said, “Each late night spent meticulously crafting lesson plans, every moment of self-reflection poured into their portfolios, and the countless revisions made in pursuit of exemplary work – all stand as testaments to their relentless pursuit of growth and improvement. Behind every successful student stands a community of support – teachers, mentors and loved ones – who have championed them every step of the way. Together, we celebrate not only their individual achievements but also the collective effort that has brought them to this moment of triumph.”

edTPA is a nationwide teacher assessment system, with version in 28 different teaching fields, that gauges teacher prep students on their knowledge needed prior to graduating and entering the classroom. The assessment’s three main areas focus on planning, instruction and assessment.