University Schools Mentor Teacher Coaching Sessions Receive Positive Feedback

August 27, 2024 - The Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice (OTECP) at the University of Memphis recently tapped into local expertise to enhance mentor teacher preparation for the upcoming residency cycle. University Schools facilitated two coaching sessions for nearly 100 mentor teachers in the Memphis area, marking a new collaboration between the institutions.

“One of my goals was to move us to a coaching model for our residency and clinical teaching candidates,” said OTECP’s Director, Dr. Nichelle Robinson.


The idea for this partnership took shape through Robinson's monthly discussions with Josh Czupryk, Chief Academic and Operations Officer for University Schools. Robinson said she wanted to give teachers, both those who will be taking on mentees for the first time and those who’ve had mentees for years, the opportunity to learn more about becoming effective mentors and be able to give feedback, while also making their mentee feel supported. Czupryk agreed to oversee the sessions.Josh Czupryk


“Our tradition of supporting teacher leadership dates back to our founding in 1912 as the University of Memphis' training and laboratory schools,” said Czupryk. “We are excited to share our approach to teacher support with the College of Education’s mentor teachers.”


“We love using the lab schools because we know they will observe cutting edge instruction and teaching strategies,” Robinson said.


Robinson is anxious to see the results of the sessions to see if there is noticeable change in mentor/mentee teacher relationships, hoping that a successful year for all results in more coaching sessions down the road. She said she’s already received positive feedback from those who attended.


“I’ve already received emails from mentor teachers sharing how great their candidates are and how they’re jumping right in and helping in the classroom without waiting to be told what to do. That is always the goal, to have our candidates prepared from day one to make a difference in the classrooms where they are placed.”


OTECP is a part of the College of Education at the University of Memphis.