Student / Mentor Teachers of the Month: February 2024

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The College of Education (COE) Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice (TEP) is proud to announce the recipients of Student Teachers of the Month and Mentor Teachers of the Month for February 2024: teachers Brittney Salmon and Karoline Larsen and mentor teachers Caroline Beard and Carol Stafford.

Brittney Salmon

Salmon is a Senior Teacher All Learners (TALN) K-12 major and is currently student teaching at Power Center Academy Elementary Hickory Hill (PCAEHH). She said she was truly humbled when she was notified of received this month's recognition. As graduation nears, she feels time is flying by but looks back on her journey as one of growth and fulfillment.

"Every action I've taken has been deliberate, driven by love, and rooted in the success of the scholars at PCAEHH," Salmon said. "This school holds a special place in my heart, and I'm excited to see where the future takes me alongside PCAEHH. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of my mentor, Ms. Hicks, the guidance of my advisor, Ms. Loggins, and the wisdom of my instructors.

For Larsen, a Senior Choral Music Education major who's been student teaching at Houston High School, this has been the most challenging but fruitful semesters in her college career, she said. She feels her experiences have prepared her for teaching post-grad and is excited to see what the future holds for her.Karoline Larsen

"I am so incredibly grateful to have been placed with my wonderful mentor, Mrs. Kinsey Healy, and gracious advisor, Dr. Emily Frizzell, and the amazing students at Houston High School," said Larsen. "I have learned so much in my experience working with them and cannot express my gratitude for their patience and understanding with me."

Caroline BeardBeard, a third grade teacher at Arlington Elementary School, said she was grateful for the honor and expressed what a pleasure it has been mentoring her student teacher. She is excited to see how her mentee will do when she has a classroom of her own.

“Teaching is about growing the whole child, inspiring minds, igniting passions, and nurturing the potential within each student," Beard said. "As a mentor, I am privileged to witness growth, celebrate success, and guide the next generation toward greatness.”

Finally, Stafford, a Kindergarten teacher at Altruria Elementary School, echoed Beard's comments, honored for the recognition by the College of Education and excited to see how this latest crop of teacher candidates performs in the real world of teaching.Carol Stafford

"It is so rewarding to work with teacher candidates as they continue their journey of learning while preparing to move into their own classrooms," said Stafford. Seeing the excitement and the growth throughout their placement makes me hopeful for the next generation of teachers."

The student teacher and teacher mentor of the month recognition has been revamped by the COE and TEP. Since there were no students or mentors recognized in the Fall 2023 semester, two students and mentors will be recognized for the months of February, March, and April. Nominations for the award are made during the respective month, and the winners are selected at the end of the following month. All winners for Spring 2024 will be recognized at TEP's end of the year celebration.

Congratulations to our recipients!