COE News

- August 30, 2024 -

Shelby Literacy Center Donates Books to COE Library Project

Multicultural Library Project Receives First Book Grant

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Dr. Keishana Barnes and Dr. Matthew Panozzo are one step closer to building a multicultural library for teacher candidates to use in K-12 settings. The two College of Education (COE) assistant professors recently received a grant of 42 books from the Shelby Literacy Center.

Read more about their plans for the library >

- August 27, 2024 -

University Schools

University Schools Mentor Teacher Coaching Sessions Receive Positive Feedback

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – The Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice (OTECP) at the University of Memphis recently tapped into local expertise to enhance mentor teacher preparation for the upcoming residency cycle.

Read more >

- August 23, 2024 -

UofM Column

College of Education Announces Promotion & Tenure for Seven Faculty

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – The University of Memphis’ College of Education is pleased to announce the promotion and tenure of seven (7) faculty members. The promotions include five promotions in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership, one in the Department of Leadership, and one in the Center for Research in Educational Policy.

Read more about who received P&T >

- August 22, 2024 -

Tennessee Higher Education Initiative

CREP Awarded Grant to Assist in Inmate Higher Education Pilot Project

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The University of Memphis Center for Research in Educational Policy (CREP) has been awarded a two-year grant to evaluate higher education learning among Tennessee inmates, continuing their work in advancing education in vulnerable populations.

Read more on what CREP will be looking into >

- Tuesday, August 20 -

Elisha Lawrence at APA Conference 2024

EDPR Student Wins Top Award at National APA Conference

SEATTLE, WA - Educational Psychology and Research (EDPR) doctoral student Elisha Lawrence is still in a state of surprise after walking away with the top prize in his category at the American Psychological Association’s (APA) annual conference in earlier this month, his first time attending.

Read more about Lawrence's award-winning work >

- July 8, 2024 -

PM-Ready Child

COE Early Childhood Programs Millions in Grant Funding for Intervention Services

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Two early intervention resource agencies for young children with developmental delays and disabilities are here to stay for several more years the University of Memphis to aid Memphis and Shelby County families. This is thanks to three grants from the State of Tennessee totaling $9.2 million. The two agencies, Project Memphis (PM) and the Regional Intervention Program (RIP) have proven track records of evidence-based intervention services in the area and are excited to have those services extended. Dr. Laura Casey, a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) with UofM’s College of Education (COE), is the principal investigator (PI) for all three state-funded grants.

Read more about the impact of this funding >

- June 27, 2024 -

Dr. Karen Weddle-West

Dr. Karen Weddle-West to Step Down as UofM Vice President for Student Academic Success

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - After an accomplished 25-year tenure as an administrator at the University of Memphis, Dr. Karen Weddle-West will step down from her position as Vice President for Student Academic Success, effective June 30.

Read more on the legacy Weddle-West leaves behind >

- June 17, 2024 -

AYLUS Memphis raising funds for RIP

Lemonade and Yard Sales Generate Thousands for COE Child Intervention Program

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Wanting to make an impact in the mental health community in Memphis, high school students Evan Wu and Alan Cheng discovered the Regional Intervention Program (RIP), and after touring the facility and meeting the program coordinator, they then decided how they wanted to support the program.

Read more about how they fundraised and what their goals are >

- June 7, 2024 -

Dr. Genia Bettencourt

COE’s Bettencourt Selected for National Leadership Seminar

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Each year, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) hosts a four-week summer workshop for faculty, doctoral students and researchers from across the country. Only 25 of 133 applicants were selected by NEH this year.

Read more about what the institute has in store for our Dr. Bettencourt >

- June 6, 2024 -

Dr. Frances Ellmo Receives WTCA Award

Ellmo Wins WTCA Counseling Educator of the Year, Tigers Rake in Awards

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Dr. Frances Ellmo from the College of Education’s (COE) Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research (CEPR) has been awarded Counseling Educator of the Year by the West Tennessee Counseling Association (WTCA).

Read more about who else from UofM won awards from WTCA >

- June 4, 2024 -

Jordyn Switch and her mother Aundrea Gordon

One Month Later: TigerLIFE Family Reflects on Participating in Commencement

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – It’s been one month since 2,858 University of Memphis students walked the stage at FedExForum for Spring 2024 Commencement. Commencement is a special time for every student receiving their respective degree, but for nine graduates in particular the ceremony was more than a milestone for their own individual journeys but also the program they’re a part of. 

Read more about TigerLIFE's participation in commencement >

- May 31, 2024 -

Mario Diaz

COE Alum Receives Hispanic Teacher of the Year Award

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Since 2019, the Mid-South Latino Chamber of Commerce (MLCC) has given out the Hispanic Teacher of the Year Award to teachers from the Latin/Hispanic community in the Mid-South. This year, the award was given to University of Memphis alum Mario Díaz.

Read more about what Diaz >

- May 31, 2024 -

Dr. Dustin Hornbeck

Hornbeck to Research how Social Studies Teachers Perceive Democracy

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – There is discourse and political divide surrounding the United States government, its constitutional foundations and philosophical underpinnings. How does this climate shape how social studies and government teachers perceive democracy and convey that perception to students?

Read more about what Dr. Hornbeck will be looking into >

- May 24, 2024 -

Dr. Huan Gao

Gao to Study Education Barriers Within Chinese Immigrant Families

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Currently in the United States, one in four children under the age of 18 lives in an immigrant family with at least one foreign-born parent. It’s understandable that immigrant parents may face cultural challenges when adjusting to a new country, but what often gets forgotten are the educational challenges that tend to face their first-generation children.

Read more about what Dr. Gao will be looking into >

- May 23, 2024 -

Asia French

LEAD Master's Student Receives Scholarship from A Step Ahead

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Asia French, a master’s student in the College of Education’s Department of Leadership, recently got the news that she would be this year’s recipient for one of the A Step Ahead scholarships.

Read more about French's good news >

- May 20, 2024 -

UofM and SCHD logos

CREP Tapped to Evaluate Multi-Million Dollar Health Initiative

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – The Shelby County Health Department (SCHD) was recently awarded millions in grant funding by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). UofM’s Center for Research in Educational Policy (CREP) has been selected to evaluate the projects data and community impacts.

Read more about the health initiative and CREP's role >

- May 14, 2024 -

Campus Middle School students listen to dissertation defense from Dr. Ashely Boles

Doctoral Student Defends Dissertation to Eighth Graders

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Monday was a day Ashley Boles had waited years for — the day she would defend her dissertation and potentially receive her doctorate from the University of Memphis College of Education (COE).

Read more about who Dr. Boles presented to >

- May 1, 2024 -

Dr. Yeonji Jung

Jung to Research AI’s Impact on Student Learning

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) over the last several years has presented questions in the field of education. Of course, AI has proven to be effective in materializing prompted ideas through platforms like ChatGPT, but can students learn from AI instruction?

Read more about what Dr. Jung will be researching >

- April 30, 2024 -

College of Education edTPA Submission Party

COE Receives Near-Perfect Passer Rating in latest edTPA Submission

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – For another year, the College of Education (COE) at the University of Memphis received high marks from the Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA), the traditional way for a teacher candidate to receive their license. 97% of COE’s teacher preparation students who submitted their portfolio passed the assessment.

Read more about this year's edTPA submissions >

- April 26, 2024 -

Rumble Award Winners Mekyland Williams and LaNerra Gray

Returning for Master's: Rumble Award Winners Take Next Step in Education Journey

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – After completing successful senior years at the College of Education (COE), LaNerra Gray and Mekyland Williams are returning to UofM to pursue their master’s.

Read more about their decisions >

- April 24, 2024 -

Recipients of TEP's Student/Mentor Teacher of the Month Award

Student / Mentor Teachers of the Month: April 2024

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The College of Education (COE) Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice (TEP) is proud to announce the recipients of Student Teachers of the Month and Mentor Teachers of the Month for April 2024: students Desiree Scott and Lesley Watson and mentors Matthew Morrison and Elizabeth Erwin.

Read more about our April winners >

- April 22, 2024 -

Dr. Mike Miller

Miller Named as New Dean of College of Education

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The University of Memphis College of Education named higher education veteran Michael T. Miller as its new dean, announced today.

Read more about Dr. Miller >

- April 17, 2024 -

March winners for the TEP Student/Mentor Teachers of the month

Student / Mentor Teachers of the Month: March 2024

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The College of Education (COE) Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice (TEP) is proud to announce the recipients of Student Teachers of the Month and Mentor Teachers of the Month for March 2024: teachers Khaelah Bass and Alyssa Kiser and mentor teachers Atongela Boga and Davine Hobbs.

Read more about our March winners >

- April 10, 2024 -

PM Ready child coloring

Five-Year $2.5 Million Grant Awarded to COE Early Intervention Program

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Project Memphis Ready, or PM Ready, COE's early intervention resource agency for young children with developmental delays and disabilities that focuses on pre-school readiness skills, has been awarded a five-year contract by the State of Tennessee.

Read more about the new contract >

- April 4, 2024 -

February 2024 winners

Student / Mentor Teachers of the Month: February 2024

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The College of Education (COE) Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice (TEP) is proud to announce the recipients of Student Teachers of the Month and Mentor Teachers of the Month for February 2024: teachers Brittney Salmon and Karoline Larsen and mentor teachers Caroline Beard and Carol Stafford.

Read more about our February winners >

- March 29, 2024 -

Table display for vendor at CEPR Internship Fair

Community Partners Recruit from CEPR at Annual Internship Fair

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The need for mental health specialists in the Mid-South is growing, and 19 local organizations hoped to address that need by recruiting potential interns from UofM’s Department of Counseling Educational Psychology & Research (CEPR) at the department’s annual internship fair.

Read more about the internship fair >

- March 15, 2024 -

Jessica Minton

CEPR Doctoral Student Adds to Long List of Awards

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Jessica Minton has been working toward her doctorate degree within the College of Education’s Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology & Research (CEPR). Throughout the years, she’s received noticeable recognition for her work as an educator. Minton tells us her passion for learning started at a young age.

Read more about Minton's journey in Memphis >

- March 13, 2024 -

Tennessee Department of Education

Redesigned ICL Programs Receive TDOE Approval

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – A nearly 18-month course redesign within the College of Education (COE) has ended with the best news possible, approval from the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE).

Read more about the newly approved ICL programs >

- March 11, 2024 -

TEIS Assistant Commissioner Visits PM Ready

State Leaders Pay First-Time Visit to COE Early Childhood Pre-school Readiness Program

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Recently, state leaders with the Tennessee Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DIDD) paid a first-time visit to PM-Ready, The College of Education’s early intervention resource agency for young children with developmental delays and disabilities.

Read more about the visit from TEIS >

- March 7, 2024 -

COE Rumble Award Winners

COE Rumble Award Winners Announced

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – This year’s winners of the College of Education (COE) Hubert E. Rumble Outstanding Student Teacher Award are Seniors LaNerra Gray and Mekyland Williams, recognizing both as the most outstanding of UofM’s student teachers for the 2023-24 school year.

Read more about this year's Rumble Award winners >

- March 1, 2024 -

Jennifer Renick Headshot

COE’s Renick Makes Headlines for Research on Expanding University Reward System

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - College of Education (COE) Assistant Professor Jennifer Renick has recently been featured in several scholarly articles for her research on a proposed restructuring and/or broadening of faculty incentives and rewards.

Read more about Renick's research >

- February 23, 2024 -

UofM Research Celebration

Research Excellence: UofM Spotlights COE Faculty and Staff

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Thirty faculty and staff members from the College of Education (COE) were recognized in this year’s Research Celebration.

Read more about who from COE was recognized >

- February 23, 2024 -

UMID Transition Fair

UofM Job Fair Hosts Hundreds of Mid-South High Schoolers with Disabilities

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The University of Memphis Institute on Disability (UMID) hosted nearly four-hundred Mid-South High Schoolers for a job fair on Thursday. These students all have intellectual and/or physical disabilities, and the hope from the fair was to highlight the opportunities that could be waiting for them after graduation.

Read more about the Transition Fair >

- February 22, 2024 -

Tennessee State Board of Education

COE Teacher Prep Ranks High in Latest State Report Card

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The 2023 Tennessee Educator Preparation Report Card is out, and the University of Memphis College of Education (COE) produced a score that “exceeded expectations.”

Read more about where UofM ranked >

- February 21, 2024 -

Karla Lewis

CEPR Graduate Graces the Cover of Bluff City Magazine

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - The latest cover of Bluff City Magazine features the face of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research (CEPR) graduate Karla Lewis. Lewis, known to many as “Coach Karla,” is a professional counselor in Memphis, who started her own private practice during the outset of the pandemic.

Read more about the highlight on Lewis >

- February 13, 2024 -

Dr. Eraina Schauss

Schauss Receives Assisi Foundation Distinguished Professorship

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Dr. Eraina Schauss was recently honored by the Assisi Foundation of Memphis with a Distinguished Professorship.

Read more about Dr. Schauss's recognition >

- January 29, 2024 -

Dr. Wendy Griswold

COE's Griswold Awarded by UofM President

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Dr. Wendy Griswold from the College of Education’s Department of Leadership was recognized by UofM President Dr. Bill Hardgrave with the Tigers Ascending to Excellence Award. 

Read more about Dr. Wendy Griswold's award
