Culture and Climate

The COE’s Culture and Climate Committee is charged with advancing an environment of inclusiveness and belonging for faculty, staff and students.

COE Vision

Driven by a commitment to diversity, social justice and equity, the College of Education is a premier educational organization that engages in innovative and impactful research, teaching and service.

COE Mission

The College of Education builds on a foundation of success in research, teaching and service by:

  • fostering depth and breadth of knowledge
  • conducting relevant and innovative research
  • developing culturally competent leaders and practitioners
  • collaborating with and providing services to diverse local, national and international partners to address real-world problems of practice
  • advancing an environment where diversity, social justice and equity are paramount.

Culture and Climate Committee

Leigh Harrell-Williams


Leigh Harrell-Williams


Beverly Cross

Anna Faulkner


Anna Faulkner

Sara Bridges


Sara Bridges

Patrick Murphy


Patrick Murphy

Melynda Whitwell


Melynda Whitwell
LEAD, Staff Representative


Charisse Gulosino

Nichelle Robinson


Nichelle Robinson

Tracy Williams


Tracy Williams
Dean's Office, Staff Representative



Vanessa Cortez
Undergraduate Representative


Ruby Boisclair
Graduate Representative

Culture and Climate Action Plan

The COE Culture and Climate Committee has developed a draft of an action plan to lead the College in its ongoing task of keeping Culture and Climate work a focus for faculty, staff, administration and students

Culture and Climate Action Plan>

Culture and Climate Resources