Assessment and Accreditation

CAEP Logo Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
1140 19th St NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036

The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) advances equity and excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning. The University of Memphis College of Education received CAEP accreditation status between Fall 2022 and Fall 2029, with the next site review scheduled for Spring 2029. (View Accreditation Action Report >CAEP Accreditation Letter >)

The following programs are included in the current accreditation cycle:

Early Childhood BSED Initial Baccalaureate
Early Childhood MAT Initial Master's
Elementary Education MAT Initial Master's
English as Second Language Initial Master's
English Secondary MAT Initial Master's
Integrative Studies Secondary Mathematics 7-12 Initial Baccalaureate
Music Education Initial Baccalaureate
Music Education MAT Initial Master's
Physical Education Initial Master's
Physical Education K-12 concentration Initial Baccalaureate
Special Education MAT Initial Master's
Teaching All Learners Initial Baccalaureate
Visual Arts Initial Baccalaureate
Visual Arts Initial Master's
World Language 7-12 Initial Master's
Library and Information Specialist Advanced Master's
Literacy Special Education MS Advanced Master's
School administration and Supervision Advanced Master's


CAEP Component R5.4|RA.5.4

The Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) requires the Educator Preparation provider (EPP) to report four accountability measures annually that demonstrate the accountability and performance of the program's initial undergraduate and advanced graduate licensure programs to share with stakeholders and students (both prospective and current).

The four accountability measures are divided into two areas: Impact Measures, which measure data on 1. completer effectiveness and Impact on P-12 learning and development, and 2. satisfaction of employers and stakeholders. Measures two, Outcome Measures, measure data on 3. candidate competency at program completion and 4. the ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared (initial and advanced levels).

The following sections contain information and data on accountability measures outlined by CAEP. This information is collected annually via various data sources. Please click on the appropriate section below for more information on each of the College of Education EPP CAEP accountability measures.

CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation>) has four annual reporting measures that provide information to the public on program impact and program outcome. The CAEP measures with links to supporting evidence for each measure are as follows:

Impact Measures - Initial and Advanced Programs

  • Measure 1: Completer Effectiveness and Impact on P-12 Learning and Development -R4.1
    • The State of Tennessee and the University of Memphis College of Education Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) track, monitor, and measure the impact of teacher candidates on student learning, growth, and development. The data provided informs college-wide and programmatic improvement within the EPP. Data from TVAAS and Provider impact is retrieved from the TN Report card. The State Report Card data was generated via export of all cohort members recommended for initial TNCompass licensure, provided by the TNCompass vendor RANDA. (2022-2023 EPP TVAAS data published by TVAAS)
      • UM EPP REPORT CARD ( 2023 EPP State Report Card / 2022-2023 Completer Satisfaction Data / TDOE Educator Survey-initial ):

        “Teachers impact every other profession in our state by developing people — equipping students with the critical knowledge, tools, and skills they need to succeed in post-secondary education, careers, and beyond. The knowledge and skills taught in educator preparation programs are vital to ensuring every student in Tennessee has a well-prepared teacher from Day 1 in the classroom. The report card uses multiple metrics to provide information about teacher and leader preparation in the state and spotlight each provider's strengths and areas in which to continue to grow.

        In 2007, the Tennessee General Assembly passed legislation requiring the publication of a report on key metrics of educator preparation providers throughout the state. Several aspects of the report card are required by that legislation, including indicators: placement and retention rates, scores on licensure exams, and teacher effect data based on Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) scores. The report card also includes other key priority areas for the State Board. This information can help providers make program improvements and inform the public on important aspects of educator preparation in the state.”

 Outcome Measures - Initial and Advanced Programs

  • Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion- R3.3|RA3.4
    • The Tennessee Educator Preparation Report Card provides a public view of the competencies of College of Education Educator Preparation Provider candidates, as measured by multiple assessments required to obtain a teacher or leader licensure.  Data from national assessments is also provided to reflect the EPP’s candidates' competency at program completion.
    • Candidates in the Master’s ICL 7992 must complete a Master’s project. The course instructor gives candidates directions for developing their project using a four-point rubric with seven items aligned with InTASC Standards: 4q,5g,5n,5r, 10f, and 10s.
      • View Fall 2023 Assessment Data
      • Interpretation of the Data: The EPP had ten (10) candidates to complete the ICL 7792 Graduate Composition Project. Of the ten candidates, nine were females, and one was male. One was an African American, four were African American females, and five were white females.

        The point range for the evaluations was 23-28 points for skillful, 17-22 points for adequate, 11-16 points for developing, and 10-0 for unacceptable. 6/10 candidates scored within the skillful range (60%), 3/10 scored adequate (30%), and one candiate1/10 (10%) scored developing on this assessment. However, all candidates passed the project composition evaluation. The EPP has decided to revise the assessment to strengthen the directions, purpose, expectations, and outcomes for this assessment for the Fall 2024 semester. 

  • Measure 4:  Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared (initial and advanced levels)
    • To address Measure 4, Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for which They Have Prepared, UTM EPP analyzes data from the Tennessee Department of Education Annual Reports and the University of Memphis EPP Report Card.

Additional EPP Candidate and Consumer Data

Quality Assurance and Assessment System

The Quality Assurance and Assessment System (QAAS) measures and evaluates candidates’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions and guides continuous improvement in the Educator Preparation Provider (EPP). The College of Education (COE)/Educator Preparation Provider maintains a quality assurance system that consists of valid data from multiple measures and supports continuous improvement. The QAAS consistently and systematically collects and analyzes its data on candidate qualifications, performance, course, and clinical experiences. The EPP maintains this system to evaluate and improve candidate performance and its programs. The EPP Quality Assurance and Assessment System is a cohesive system consisting of:

1) personnel responsible for managing data collection, monitoring, and data use within the quality assurance system.

2) technologies used to manage data collection, storage, analysis, and reporting.

3) monitoring candidate qualifications and performance.

4) assessments of candidate knowledge, skills, and dispositions implemented at specific transition points within a program.

5) evaluations of clinical/field experiences, academic programs, key EPP operational effectiveness, and P12 partnerships.

 6) systematic management and oversight of recruitment and admissions data to attract applicants from diverse populations and to address critical shortage areas.

7) procedures for monitoring completer outcomes.

8) procedures and practices that oversee data collection, analysis, and dissemination and support the use of data in evaluating candidate performance and program components, as well as EPP-wide improvements.

 9) stakeholders who regularly review data and components of the quality assurance system itself as part of the continuous improvement process.

The diagram below describes the process of the Quality Assurance System Assessment Cycle and is based on the foundation that:

The EPP QAS must be:

  1. Comprehensive and reflect the Conceptual Framework.
  2. systematic with multiple decision points.
  3. aligned assessments with applicable knowledge and skill standards.
  4. reflect a commitment to fairness, accuracy, consistency, and the avoidance of bias.
  5. ensure faculty and stakeholder involvement; and
  6. be continuously reviewed and revised.

The Quality Assurance System measures and evaluates candidates’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions and guides Continuous Educator Preparation Provider improvement.

View EPP Quality Assurance and Assessment System Input Model

View Quality Assurance and Assessment System Flow Graphic

Enrollment and Credit Hour production by departments (2020-2024)

College of Education Completion Rates

National Rankings


The College of Education has adopted Tevera/Lumivero as its college-wide data management system (LMS). Tevera/Lumivero maintains electronic documentation of practicum placement, clinical placements, and evaluation for accreditation. Candidates use the system to complete practicum and clinical placement applications, assessments, timesheets, and other classwork requirements. All students are required to have a TEVERA account.


General Information

Creating your Tevera Account

  • Go to UofM’s Tevera login page and click the registration button in the lower left corner of the page under the Login in red
  • Follow the prompt by entering your UofM email.
  • When you receive your registration initiation email, click the link to register.
  • You will then be taken to a new page and prompted to create a password and set up your account.
  • Your account payment is already covered after accepting the terms and conditions.
  • Once you have created your login credentials, go to the eLearning Space and begin your orientation to TEVERA.

Training Guides and Materials

Data Request Form

Follow the link to request accreditation data from the College of Education. Please allow at least three (3) business days to receive your requested data.

Request Data >