Joonhyung Lee

Associate Professor | PhD Coordinator

Office Hours
MW 4-5:20 PM
Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Joonhyung Lee is an associate professor and the coordinator of the PhD Economics program at the Fogelman College of Business and Economics (FCBE) of the University of Memphis. He completed his PhD and MS in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin, following his earlier academic pursuits that led to a BS degree from Korea University.

With a primary focus on applied research in the field of international trade, Professor Lee has made significant contributions to the academic community. His work has been recognized and published in several renowned peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Development Economics, European Economic Review, Canadian Journal of Economics, and Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

In addition to his research endeavors, Dr. Joonhyung Lee is also a dedicated educator. He imparts his vast knowledge and expertise by teaching various courses at the MA/PhD level, such as International Trade and Policy and Econometrics. He is also actively involved in undergraduate education, where he teaches courses on International Trade and Introduction to Econometrics.


Research Areas

  • International Trade, Multinational Corporations, Trade Policy 

Working Papers

  • The impact of the US-China trade war: heterogeneity using causal machine learning (with Duy Nguyen)
  • Production hierarchies and MNC expatriates (with Carmen Astorne-Figari)


  • The impact of the US-China trade war on domestic and multinational companies in China (with Duy Nguyen), World Economy, forthcoming
  • The Price Effect of China Tire Safeguard (with Sunghoon Chung), Applied Economics, 2022, 54(10)
  • Does Aid for Trade promote vertical specialization? (with JunYun Kim and Hongshik Lee), Asian Economic Journal, 2022, 34(2)
  • The role of foreign affiliate productivity in the integration strategies of the multinational firm (with Jae Joon Han and Hongshik Lee), World Economy, 2019, 42(5), 1576-1597
  • An empirical investigation on the transfer of expatriates within MNCs from a knowledge perspective (with Carmen Astorne-Figari), Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2019, 81(4), 780-796
  • Evaluation of a Behavioral Intervention with Multiple Components among Low-income, Uninsured Adults with Obesity and Diabetes, (with Ahn, S., Post, L., Bartlett-Prescott, J., & Ward, K.), American Journal of Health Promotion 32(2018), p.409-422
  • Did China Tire Safeguard Save U.S. Workers? (with Sunghun Chung and Thomas Osang), European Economic Review 85(2016), p.22-38
  • The Impacts of Offshoring on Temporary Workers: Evidence on Wages from South Korea, (with Hongshik Lee), Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) 151 (2015), p.555-587
  • Technology diffusion and host-country productivity in South-South FDI flows, (with Hyukwhang Kim and Hongshik Lee), Japan and the World Economy 33(2015), p.1-10 (ADB working paper version: Foreign Direct Investment, Technology Diffusion, and Host Country Productivity Growth)
  • The Transfer of Workers within Multinationals and Ownership of Foreign Affiliates, Economics Letters 125 (2014), p.149-152
  • How and Where to Offshore: A Productivity Comparison at the Firm Level, (with Jae Joon Han and Hongshik Lee), Applied Economics 46 (2014), p. 1704-1715
  • Language, Ethnicity, and Intra Firm Trade, (with Peter Debaere and Hongshik Lee), Journal of Development Economics 103 (2013), p. 244-253
  • FDI Externalities and the Response of the Korean Stock Market, (with Sungjin Kang and Hongshik Lee), Korean Economic Review, Summer (2013)
  • Agglomeration, Backward and Forward : Evidence from South Korean Investment in China, (with Peter Debaere and Myungho Paik), Canadian Journal of Economics 43 (2010), p. 520-546
  • It Matters Where You Go: Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Employment Growth at Home, (with Peter Debaere and Hongshik Lee), Journal of Development Economics 91 (2010), p. 301-309
  • Regional Production Network, Service Offshoring, and Productivity in East Asia, (with Moonsung Kang, Hyukwhang Kim, and Hongshik Lee), Japan and the World Economy 22 (2010), p. 206-216