Dr. Andrew Hussey

Associate Professor

FCBE 423
Curriculum Vitae  Website


Dr. Andrew Hussey is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Fogelman College of Business and Economics at the University of Memphis. He earned his PhD in Economics from Duke University in 2006 and his BA in Economics and Chemistry from St. Olaf College in 2000.  

Dr. Hussey is a labor economist with additional expertise in health economics and the economics of education. His research interests include: the economic impacts of advanced degrees (including the MBA and PhD), MBA program quality, drivers of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions, gender disparities in the labor force and academia, the impacts of beauty on economic outcomes, obesity and health behaviors, and income inequality.  

Dr. Hussey teaches a variety of courses, including managerial economics and econometrics at the graduate level, as well microeconomic theory and game theory at the undergraduate level.  

Teaching Areas

  • Labor Economics, Microeconomics, Econometrics, Game Theory


  • IZA Research Fellow


Research Areas

  • Labor Economics, Economics of Education, Health Economics 


  • Gender Penalties and Solidarity: Teaching Evaluation Differentials In and Out of STEM (with Jobu Babin), 2023. Economics Letters, 226: 111083.
  • Gender-Based Disparities in Loneliness under Shelter in Place Orders (with Jobu Babin and Marine Foray), forthcoming, Applied Economics Letters
  • Gender, Coauthorship, and Scholarly Productivity in Economics (with Sheena Murray and Wendy Stock), 2022. Economic Inquiry, 60(2): 465-484.
  • “Shelter-in-Place Orders, Loneliness, and Cooperative Behavior” with Jobu Babin and Marine Foray, 2021. Economics & Human Biology 43: 101056. 
  • “The Fundamental Determinants of Economic Inequality in Average Income Across Countries: The Declining Role of Political Institutions,” with Michael Jetter and Dianne McWilliam, 2021. Review of Income and Wealth 61(1): 104-133. 
  • “Beauty premiums among academics,” with Jobu Babin, Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, and David Taylor, 2020. Economics of Education Review 78: 102019. 
  • “The Role of Confidence and Noncognitive Skills for Post-Baccalaureate Academic and Labor Market Outcomes,” with Weiwei Chen and Wayne Grove, 2017. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 138: 10-29. 
  • “Long Term Trends in Fair and Unfair Inequality in the United States,” with Michael Jetter, 2017. Applied Economics 17: 1147-63. 
  • “Disruption in Parental Co-habitation on Short-term, Medium-term and Long-term Outcomes of Adolescents,” with Debjani Kanjilal and Anil Nathan, 2016. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 37(1): 58-74. 
  • “Experimental Evidence of the Effects of an Early Intervention Program on Economics Student Outcomes,” with Doug Campbell. 2015, Applied Economics Letters 22(11): 895-899. 
  • “Greek Organization Membership and Collegiate Outcomes at an Elite Private University,” with Nathan Martin and Jay Walker, 2015. Research in Higher Education 56(3): 203-227. 
  • “Adolescent Obesity, Educational Attainment, and Adult Earnings,” with John Amis and Albert Okunade, 2014. Applied Economics Letters 21(13):945-50. 
  • “Returns to MBA Quality: Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Returns to Peers, Faculty, and Institution Quality,” with Wayne Grove, 2014. Labour Economics 26:43-54.
  • “AIDing Contraception: HIV and Recent Trends in Abortion Rates,” with Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy and Jay Walker, 2014. Applied Economics 46(15): 1788-1803.
  • “Affirmative Action in MBA Programs: Investigating the Mismatch Hypothesis for Race and Gender,” with Wayne Grove, 2014. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Advances) 14(3): 613-668.
  • “Racial Segregation Patterns in Selective Universities”, with Peter Arcidiacono, Esteban Aucejo, and Kenneth Spenner, 2013. Journal of Law and Economics 56(4): 1039-60.
  • “The Payoff to School Selectivity: An Application of Dale and Krueger's Method to MBA Programs,” with Weiwei Chen and Wayne Grove, 2012. Economics Letters 116(2): 247-249.
  • “Human Capital Augmentation versus the Signaling Value of MBA Education,” 2012. Economics of Education Review 31(4): 442-451.
  • “The Effect of Ethics on Labor Market Success: Evidence from MBA Graduates,”  2011. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 80(1): 168-180.
  • “Estimating the Ex Ante Expected Returns to College,” with Omari Swinton, 2011. American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, Vol. 101, No. 3: 598-602.
  • “The Gender Pay Gap Beyond Human Capital: Heterogeneity in Noncognitive Skills and in Labor Market Tastes,” with Wayne Grove and Michael Jetter, 2011. Journal of Human Resources, 46(4): 827-874.
  • “Returns to Field of Study versus School Quality: MBA Selection on Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity,” with Wayne Grove, 2011. Economic Inquiry, Vol. 49, No. 3: 730-749.
  • “The Effects of Focused Area of Study on Self-Reported Skill Gains and Satisfaction of MBA Graduates,” 2009. The Journal of Global Business Management, Vol. 5, No. 2.
  • “Overweight Adolescents and On-time High School Graduation: Racial and Gender Disparities,” with Albert A. Okunade and Mustafa C. Karakus, 2009. Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 37, No. 3: 225-242.
  • “The Economic Returns to an MBA,” with Peter Arcidiacono and Jane Cooley, 2008. International Economic Review, Vol. 49, No. 3: 873-899.