SAGE Laboratory - Spatial Analysis and Geographic Education


The SAGE Laboratory supports and facilitates the teaching and research activities of the GIS Certificate in the areas of geographic information systems, remote sensing, geospatial web visualization and geospatial data management.


The SAGE Laboratory serves an important function for GIS certificate students who wish to use GIS and remote sensing techniques in a diverse range of public and environmental health issues from infectious disease mapping to gender disparities.

SAGE laboratory has been at the forefront of the local and international response to COVID-19 by conducting research to help advance the understanding of the geographic spread of the virus and inform the public by GIS-based dashboards below:

Coronavirus Dashboards

COVID dashboard screenshot View the Mid-South Dashboard Live >

View the Shelby County Dashboard Live >

View the MEMPHI-SYS: Memphis Pandemic Health Informatics System Dashboard (in partnership with UTHSC >

Gender Inequality and COVID-19: A partnership project with UN Women >



The SAGE Laboratory serves as a regional online GIS training center for students and GIS professionals, who want to build a foundational knowledge of GIS on ESRI’s next generation software for creating, using, and analyzing professional 2D and 3D maps. The interactive online laboratory sessions focus on the fundamental and advanced concepts of GIS and skills using ArcGIS Pro 2.4 and Arc Map 10.7 software with ESRI extensions and apps.

Equipment and Software

The SAGE Laboratory has the newest GIS software technology and equipment enriching our capability in 3d models, GIS-based dashboards, and spatial analysis. It is a windows-based laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and software that include ESRI ArcGIS Desktop (Advanced License), ESRI ArcGIS Pro and its extensions (Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, Geostatistical Analyst, Network Analyst), QGIS, Erdas IMAGINE, Drone2Map and other statistical software.

SAGE laboratory houses Earth Science department’s map plotter for plotting of posters and panels for GIS Certificate and Earth Science students and faculty.

Contact Us

Dr. Esra OzdenerolDr.Esra Ozdenerol
Director of SAGE Laboratory
Department of Earth Sciences
236 Johnson Hall, Memphis, TN 38152
Telephone: 901.678.2787

Dr. Esra Ozdenerol (Ph.D., 2000, Louisiana State University) is Professor of Geography at the Department of Earth Sciences and the Director of Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems and SAGE Laboratory. Dr. Ozdenerol has been with the University of Memphis since 2003, where she teaches GIS.  Her research interests entail the use of geospatial technologies in a diverse range of environmental health issues. In 2010, she served as the President of the Memphis Area Geographic Information Council, a non-profit organization of GIS professionals. She has developed GIS workshop series for professionals and campus community that addresses and supports different aspects of the data life cycle and data used with different GIS software and tools.

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