
The Department of Earth Sciences Graduate Program is again ranked by US News and World Report! This year we are at 111th, a minor drop from last years' 106th ranking. We continue to strive for excellence in all that we do! For a complete list of UofM degree rankings, visit https://www.memphis.edu/academics/rankings.php 


Earth Day 2023

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Day)
Go to the Earth Day Event webpage

New Documentary Video

Earth Sciences graduate student investigates recharge to the Memphis aquifer through work at CAESER (Center for Applied Earth Science and Engineering Research)

The Department of Earth Sciences Joins WeatherBug Schools Program

The Department of Earth Sciences has joined the WeatherBug Schools Program. WeatherBug (www.weatherbug.com) is a provider of consumer and professional weather products and services and operator of the nation's largest weather observing and lightning network. The University has installed a WeatherBug station, which is able to provide weather data for meteorological teams at WREG, News Channel 3, and stations across the country to broadcast on-air and online.

The program will allow UofM students to more effectively understand weather and climate phenomena. "We will integrate the STEM-enhancing capabilities of our new WeatherBug station into our laboratory exercises," said Dr. Dorian Burnette, assistant professor of Earth Sciences. "Students will not only be able to compare weather observations at the University of Memphis with other weather stations nearby and around the world, but also use the graphing tools and past weather observations stored on our new station's website to assess extreme weather events."

In addition to helping protect the community, WeatherBug provides an engaging teaching tool for educators. WeatherBug software enables teachers to apply real-world conditions to help teach skills and concepts in math, science and geography.

The current weather conditions at Johnson Hall can be accessed here.

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