Jose Pujol
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- Ph.D. in Geophysics, University of Wyoming, 1985
- M.S. in Geophysics, University of Alaska, 1982
- B.S. in Chemistry, Universidad del Sur, Argentina, 1969
Research Interests
Earthquake seismology, reflection seismology, inverse problems, earthquake location
and tomography, vertical
seismic profiling, seismic attenuation.
Selected Publications
- Pujol, J. (2003). Elastic wave propagation and generation in seismology, Cambridge University Press.
- Pujol, J. (2009). Seismic tomography. In Meyers, Robert (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 10, 9172-9210. Springer.
- Pujol, J. (2009). Tutorial on rotations in the theories of finite deformation and micropolar (Cosserat) elasticity, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 99, No. 2B, 1011-1027.
- Ge, J., J. Pujol, S. Pezeshk, and S. Stovall (2009). Determination of shallow shear wave attenuation in the Mississippi embayment using vertical seismic profiling data, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 99, 1636-1649.
- Pujol, J. (2007). The solution of nonlinear inverse problems and the Levenberg-Marquardt method, Geophysics 72, No. 4, W1-W16.
- Ge, J., J. Pujol, S. Pezeshk, and S. Stovall (2007). Determination of shallow shear wave velocity structure in the Mississippi embayment using vertical seismic profiling data, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 97, 614-623.
- Pujol, J., T. Bohlen, T. Beilecke, and W. Rabbel (2007). Multipathing and spectral modulation of the downgoing wave field in a complex crust: an example from the KTB (Germany) borehole. Geophys. J. Int. 169, 563–578.
- Pujol, J., K. Muller, P. Shen, and V. Chitupolu (2006). High-resolution 3-D P-wave velocity model for the East Ventura -- San Fernando basin in California, and relocation of events in the Northridge and San Fernando aftershock sequences. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 2269-2280, 2006.
- Kim, K.-H., J.-M. Chiu, J. Pujol, and K.-C. Chen (2006). Polarity reversal of active plate boundary and elevated oceanic upper mantle beneath the collision suture in central eastern Taiwan, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 796-806.
- Pujol, J., P. Rydelek, and T. Bohlen (2005). Determination of the trajectory of a fireball using seismic network data. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 95, 1495-1509.
- Kim, K.-H., J.M. Chiu, J. Pujol, K.C. Chen, B.S. Huang, Y.H. Yeh, and P. Shen (2005). Three-dimensional Vp and Vs structural models associated with the active subduction and collision tectonics in the Taiwan region, Geophys. J. Int. 162, 204-220.
- Kim, K.-H., J.-M. Chiu, J. Pujol, and K.-C. Chen (2005). Earthquake relocations, fault zone geometry and constraints on lateral velocity variations using the joint hypocenter determination method in the Taiwan area, Earth, Planets and Space 57, 809-823.
- Pujol, J. (2004). Earthquake location tutorial: graphical approach and approximate epicentral location techniques. Seism. Res. Lett., p. 63-74, v. 75, 2004.
- Rydelek, P. and J. Pujol (2004). Real-time seismic warning with a two-station subarray. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 94, 1546-1550.
- Pujol, J. (2003). The body force equivalent to an earthquake: a tutorial. Seism. Res. Lett. 74, 163-168.
- Pujol, J. (2003). Determination of a local magnitude scale: a generalized inverse solution, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 93, 2758-2761.
- Pujol, J. (2000). Joint event location - The JHD technique and applications to data from local seismic networks. In Advances in seismic event location, Thurber C., and N. Rabinowitz, Eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 163-204.