
Dr. Anzhelika (Angela) Antipova

Email: antipova@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.3267
Office: JN229
Transportation Geography, Urban Geography

Angela Antipova

Dr. Rebecca Bingham-Byrne

Adjunct Professor
E-mail: rmbngham@memphis.edu
Medical Geography, GIS


Dr. Dorian J. Burnette
Associate Professor

Personal Web Page
Email: djbrntte@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.4452
Office: JN230
Meteorology, Climatology, Climate Change, Dendroclimatology, Extreme Weather and Climate Events

Dorian Burnette

Dr. Randel T. Cox

Email: randycox@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.4361
Office: JNG01D
Active Tectonics, Geomorphology, Hazards

Randel Cox

Dr. David H. Dye

Email: daviddye@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.3330
Office: JN115

David Dye

Dr. Arleen Hill
Professor and Chair of Earth Sciences

Email: aahill@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.2589
Office: JN113
Hazards, Nature-Society Interaction, Spatial Analysis

Arleen Hill

Dr. Will Jackson
Research Faculty and Tennessee Geological Survey
Email: wtjckson@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.2774
Office: JN211
Tectonics, Sedimentology/Stratigraphy, Geochronology

Will Jackson

Dr. Julie Johnson
Associate Professor of Teaching and Lab Coordinator

E-mail: jjhnsn79@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.4217
Office: JN100

Julie Johnson

Dr. Hsiang-Te Kung
Professor and Director, ASIT

Email: hkung@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.4538
Office: JN226 / 11th Floor Wilder Tower
Water Resources, Hazards, Geomorphology

Hsiang-Te Kung

Dr. Youngsang Kwon
Associate Professor

Personal Web Page
Email: ykwon@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.2979
Office: JN223
Biogeography, Forest Dynamics, Species Distribution Modeling (SDM), GIS/Remote Sensing

Youngsang Kwon

Dr. Daniel Larsen

Email: dlarsen@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.4358
Office: JN201
Hydrogeology, Soils, Low-Temperature Geochemistry, Sedimentology

Daniel Larsen

Dr. Deborah Leslie
Assistant Professor
Email: dlleslie@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.4136
Office: JN221B
Water Resources, Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Hydrogeology

Deborah Leslie

Dr. Ray Lombardi
Assistant Professor
Personal Web Page
Email: rlmbardi@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.4136
Office: JN204
Flood Dynamics, Paleofloods, Flood Geomorphology, Probabilistic Flood Risk Assessments

Ray Lombardi

Dr. Andrew Mickelson
Associate Professor

Personal Web Page
Email: amicklsn@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.4505
Office: JN210
Archaeology of Eastern North America, Spatial Analysis and GIS, Evolutionary Ecology, Settlement Patterns Studies, and the Origins of Agricultural Societies

Andrew Mickelson

Dr. Katherine R. Mickelson
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Email: kmicklsn@memphis.edu
Office: JN231
Archaeology of Eastern North America, Paleoethnobotany, and Evolutionary Ecology


Dr. Esra Ozdenerol

Email: eozdenrl@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.2787
Office: JN236
GIS, Remote Sensing, Spatial Analytical Methods, Medical Geography and Landscape Ecology

Esra Ozdenerol

Dr. Ryan Parish
Associate Professor

Personal Web Page
Email: rmparish@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.2606
Office: JN125
Geoarchaeology, Archaeometry, Chert Sourcing, Reflectance Spectroscopy, Hunter-Gatherer Societies, Initial Colonization of the Americas, Cultural Resource Management, Experimental Archaeology, Lithics

Ryan Parish

Dr. Gary Stinchcomb
Assistant Professor

Personal Web Page
Email: gstnchcm@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.5223
Office: JN235
Soil Geomorphology, Paleopedology, Geoarchaeology, Hominid-Environment Interaction

Gary Stinchcomb

Emeritus Faculty

Dr. Jerry Bartholomew
Emeritus Professor
Email: jbrthlm1@memphis.edu 
Hazards, Tectonics and Quaternary Studies

Jerry Bartholomew

Dr. Arch Johnston
Emeritus Professor

E-mail: ajohnstn@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.2007
Office: CERI
Intraplate Seismicity, Seismic Hazard Estimation, Earthquake Source Mechanisms

Arch Johnston

Dr. David Lumsden
Emeritus Professor

Email: dlumsden@memphis.edu

Sedimentary Petrology, Origin of Dolomite, Application of ESR to Carbonate Geochemistry, Age Dating and the Origin of the Peoria Loess, Lithostratigraphy of the Memphis Aquifer

David Lumsden

Dr. Jose Pujol
Emeritus Professor

Email: jpujol@memphis.edu

Earthquake and Exploration Seismology

Jose Pujol

Dr. George H Swihart
Emeritus Professor

Email: gswihart@memphis.edu
Water Resources, Boron Isotope Geochemistry

George Swihart

Dr. Roy B Van Arsdale
Emeritus Professor

Email: rvanrsdl@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.4356
Office: JN233
Active Tectonics, Geomorphology, Structure

Roy Van Arsdale

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