David Dye
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- Ph.D., Gulf Formational Cultures in the Western Tennessee Valley, Washington University in St. Louis, 1980.
Selected Publications
- The Transformation of Mississippian Warfare: Four Case Studies from the Mid-South. In The Archaeology of Warfare: Prehistories of Raiding and Conquest, edited by Elizabeth Arkush and Mark W. Allen, pp. 101-142. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 2006.
- Ritual, Medicine, and the War Trophy Iconographic Theme in the Mississippian Southeast. In Ancient Objects and Sacred Realms: Interpretations of Mississippian Iconography, edited by F. Kent Reilly, III and James F. Garber, pp. 289-320. University of Texas Press, Austin, 2007.
- Severed Heads and Sacred Scalplocks: Mississippian Iconographic Trophies. In The Taking and Displaying of Human Body Parts as Trophies by Amerindians, edited by Richard J. Chacon and David H. Dye, pp. 274-294. Plenum, New York, (with James A. Brown), 2007.
- Hightower Anthropomorphic Marine Shell Gorgets and Duck River Sword-form Flint Bifaces: Middle Mississippian Ritual Regalia in the Southern Appalachians. In Southeastern Ceremonial Complex: Chronology, Content, Style, edited by Adam King, pp. 165-184. University of Alabama Press, (with Shawn Marceaux), 2007.
- Archaeology in the Dark Zone: Patty Jo Watson and the Pursuit of Prehistory in the Caves of the Eastern Woodlands. In Cave Archaeology in the Eastern Woodlands: Papers in Honor of Patty Jo Watson, edited by David H. Dye, pp. 1-30. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, 2008.
- Desecrating the Sacred Ancestor Temples: Chiefly Conflict and Violence in the American Southeast. In North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual, edited by Richard J. Chacon and Ruben G. Mendoza, pp. 160-181. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, (with Adam King), 2008.